2019 Garden

Need to check ours to see if it is dry enough to get the weeder going. I know it is green between the rows without looking. May be dry enough to till up the big area and replant the vine type crops. Thought we were done planting but Ma Nature had other ideas.
Took a garden walk last night everything's doing well except a couple of things. A few tomatoes are yellowing at the base. This is usually too much water. We haven't had any rain for for a week so I don't think that's the problem. A few of the banana peppers are also yellowing. I'm thinking a lack of nitrogen so I gave them a good shot of Miracle Grow this morning. It rained slightly this morning so the wet ground wicked it down deep. More rain here coming so it should wash down good.

We're trying a new pole been this year called Cherokee Trail of Tears. We have a bare spot about 22 x 12 that was meant for potatoes I might put out another row of beets & some more bell peppers. My wife cans the beets & the green beans chops & freezes the bell peppers.
The second potatoes I planted are coming up good. A few of the first plantings that didn't rot are doing good also. The sweet potatoes given their rabbit damage are doing well. The ones that were eaten are coming back. This is a new area this year for potatoes. I didn't get to plow it like I wanted. I did till it twice with the Simplicity 7117 with a rear tiller attachment & disc it twice with the Sears SS15 pulling a double gang disc. I'll have to hill the potatoes again soon & I'll cultivate the rest to get rid of the field grass, that stuff is tuff.
Looking good. Yellowing is to much moisture 90% of the time. We need the ground to dry out good for a change. Mowed through water on a slope again this morning. Bet I find a couple more wet spots before I am done. May get in the garden tomorrow - if it don't rain again. Seems like any little cloud that comes over has rain in it.
Spent some time this evening picking peas and beans. Peas are producing nicely. The bean plants are small this year. Nice looking beans, just not many on a plant. Taters are growing nice, got the bugs under control right now.
Good tater news with a little bad. The bad is we've had so much rain I had a couple feet of hills washed out to expose the tubers. The good news is they were loaded with quarter size taters. I hope they all are doing this well. I shoved them all back in the middle & covered them up again.
Picked a good bunch of bell peppers & some jalapenos on Saturday. A few of the bells were stunted but the plants were showing signs of stress so had to bn pick them. Yesterday they looked a lot better & the new buds looked more anxious. I learned over the years that peppers & beans get to a point more than most that you have to keep them picked.
I picked the last of our peas Friday evening. Sure is time consuming to shell them out by hand. But it gives a nice family time working together. Decided to plant some late corn where they were. Do a little double cropping.