A Little Yard Work

I have some spots that need grass seed planted, it's wet enough, but they're calling for lots more plus T storms later today, plus rain at least parts of 3 of the next 5 days, I've got enough problems with seed washing out before it takes ahold. These spots I've been trying to get grass to grow for years...
Well my grass has exploded with all the rain and sun now. I will probably have to cut it first week in April. I have a lot of clean up to do and need to find a wagon that can handle being hauled down the road behind the 4 wheeler at 20mph!
Aaron I have a stretch of road in front of the house I go sometimes which is quicker than going through the yard and field. I’ve had my atv up to 22mph pulling this trailer. I built it very heavy duty but I wished I had made it a little longer. At the time I wasn’t familiar how much these old GT’s will haul.
Finally got home from our sons house around 4:00 today just in time to burn a brush pile. It’s a whole year old so it took awhile. I got done around 7:30 I’m tired. I had a good snack watching the fire burn. A maple iced donut and some coffee.