Allis 310D

So what cute name do you have for a thieving out fit that offers free tril of free shipping. When it is cancelled they keep charging. Have to pay them even if you don't use it. You talk about stealing??
I need the part number for the drive belt and the flat idler if anyone has it and I need a picture or diagram of the belt. Now I can't shift gear because of the clutch and I'm thinking it could just be the idler and the belt causing it. I'm having a run of bad luck and I don't know if I will have it fixed in time for show
If the belt retaining brackets aren't set in the right place on the pulley the clutch doesn't seem to work very well. I took my 3410 in for service and the mechanic adjusted it and now the clutch releases.
Still even with the no tension on the belt it still spins so I can shifter. I'm wonder if it just the worn belt sticking so it don't disengage
No aftermarket belts so it has to be the $80 belt. I took off all the pulleys off the variable drive and cleaned them with a fine sandpaper I wish I had a lathe for that.