In the process of aquiring 10 more acres next door as a buffer zone. It came up for sale in 1988 but at that time I was not going to be living here forever so didn't even make an attempt to buy it. I met the people whop did buy it in sping of 1989 when they walk up on me working in my garden next to that property. they asked if i would work up a part of the place next to my garden for a garden for them.
then never seen them again till about 2010 when the man came while I was cutting fire wood and had a young fellow with him. Said the young fellow was going to start hunting there.
So that was OK with me as long as I still had permission to cut dead and down wood and could walk my dogs there still. Then last fall the kid had not called and told me he was hunting there so i was out walking my dog and came up on him. He got snotty said he had permission to hunt there, I said I had permission also to walk my dogs there and why didn't he call like he did for years and warn me.
Few days later I got a call from the owner who said the young fellow was rather upset and had called him about me. We talked about an hour, I still had permission to walk my dogs there and cut dead and down trees. I also found out he and wife didn't build there bercause wife had gotten very sick and after 8 years of suffering finally had passed, he moved to Ohio to be near one of his sons.
He also said yes he would bewilling to sell the place on a land contract.
In April we settled on a price and monthly payments (he didn't want a lump sumfor tax reasons.) n ot just waiting for the lawyer to send the contract for us to look over and set a closeing date.
A few pictures.
Winter in the back by the creek.
there is a deer in this picture about middle frame behind the stump.
Standing in our yard over looking the pond.
Early morning sun rise in Nov.
Im am useing my Bota to build a new drive way and clear some brush in that area.
then never seen them again till about 2010 when the man came while I was cutting fire wood and had a young fellow with him. Said the young fellow was going to start hunting there.
So that was OK with me as long as I still had permission to cut dead and down wood and could walk my dogs there still. Then last fall the kid had not called and told me he was hunting there so i was out walking my dog and came up on him. He got snotty said he had permission to hunt there, I said I had permission also to walk my dogs there and why didn't he call like he did for years and warn me.
Few days later I got a call from the owner who said the young fellow was rather upset and had called him about me. We talked about an hour, I still had permission to walk my dogs there and cut dead and down trees. I also found out he and wife didn't build there bercause wife had gotten very sick and after 8 years of suffering finally had passed, he moved to Ohio to be near one of his sons.
He also said yes he would bewilling to sell the place on a land contract.
In April we settled on a price and monthly payments (he didn't want a lump sumfor tax reasons.) n ot just waiting for the lawyer to send the contract for us to look over and set a closeing date.
A few pictures.
Winter in the back by the creek.

there is a deer in this picture about middle frame behind the stump.

Standing in our yard over looking the pond.

Early morning sun rise in Nov.

Im am useing my Bota to build a new drive way and clear some brush in that area.