My wife gave me what looks like a real nice drone for Christmas. I'm not sure that learning all the stuff required to fly it will be possible for this old geezer but gonna try! I always wanted to fly and this is probably the only way it will ever happen. Was hoping I could just turn it on out here in the shop and practice taking off a few feet and hovering. Don't sound like it's possible in a steel building though. It needs to connect with sattellites and depends on gps.
Then after more research the worst news came. Sounds like we live to close to the airport to fly it over my own property! Then the clincher is that Ellsworth AFB has a bigger no-fly zone that appears to cover our land too!
Dang that's a bummer! Still gonna learn how to fly this thing somehow! I've never flown a decent one before and would like to get where it can take a few pics and videos in areas where the feds ain't gonna haul me to jail for being a spy or terrorist---LOL!
Got any drone experiences or advice to talk about, guys?

Then after more research the worst news came. Sounds like we live to close to the airport to fly it over my own property! Then the clincher is that Ellsworth AFB has a bigger no-fly zone that appears to cover our land too!
Dang that's a bummer! Still gonna learn how to fly this thing somehow! I've never flown a decent one before and would like to get where it can take a few pics and videos in areas where the feds ain't gonna haul me to jail for being a spy or terrorist---LOL!
Got any drone experiences or advice to talk about, guys?