Blowing snow with the Sears GT5000

The belts came sometime yesterday evening an email can in saying they were delivered so I went to the front door and checked and there they were in the snow. So now its to get the abition to install a belt, I ordered both an "A" * a "B" notched belt so which one to try is the question
I missed this thread Gary but just my 2 cents.....I work with a lot of industrial fans, pumps etc, & the "X" style belts do stand up better. however I don't care for them as much with this style of set up because of the twisting of the belt involved. As for 25 hp being too much for the belt I doubt it. Some of the blowers came with "A" belts but they really require a "B" belt. Personally I ran a 21hp craftsman with a 40" Berco blower for a several years & I did have similar issues until I went to a "B" belt. I now run a 24hp LA165 John Deere with a 44" Berco blower with no issues. I find the hardest thing on these belts is the shock loading when going through heavy snow. Feed them slowly with a full cut then use smaller cuts if you have to. I can't speak for that blower but I have no trouble clearing the power lines lol, unless it's heavy slushy snow.
I can tell you that running a Pogo stick through a snow blower raises heck with things. I agree that engaging the blower at lower RPM and gradually is much better than slamming into drive. Where the problem comes in is when an electric clutch is involved. I don't think Gary mentioned whether the belts changed direction for vertical to horizontal. Hopefully not.
I can tell you that running a Pogo stick through a snow blower raises heck with things. I agree that engaging the blower at lower RPM and gradually is much better than slamming into drive. Where the problem comes in is when an electric clutch is involved. I don't think Gary mentioned whether the belts changed direction for vertical to horizontal. Hopefully not.
OH yea the belt goes from horizontal to vertical there is a 6" horizontal drive pulley the belt go around a flat spring adjustable idler to a fixed V idler to a vertical V idler up over a 9" driven pulley down to the vertical V idler back to the drive pulley (pulley size's maybe off by an in ). Yes it has an electric PTO clutch and I only engage at engine idle, so belt is constantly twisting and turning. Yesterday the new notched belt seemed to be running smoother/quieter, but that maybe my imagination it definitely fits into the pulleys better I guess time will tell. I haven't run a Pogo stick thru one yet but I can tell you that a chunk of 4X4" angle iron is not good
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On my Simplicitys I have manual clutches. The 7112 is on the engine shaft and has to make a 90 degree turn and on my DA 916 belt come back to the center PTO. So far only the 916 blower has gotten any use as we don't get much snow. I is snowing right now and there maybe 2" on the ground.
Put an hour on the GT5000 blowing snow this afternoon so far great really was nice for blowing but it was cold it was -1*F and I failed to put mu long johns on it wouldn't have been too bad but I made one pass where the fine snow blew in thur the openings in the cab got fine snow on my jeans then I started getting cold on my legs, anyway got most of the blowing done will do some tomorrow and also clean the yard here with the Husky
Put an hour on the GT5000 blowing snow this afternoon so far great really was nice for blowing but it was cold it was -1*F and I failed to put mu long johns on it wouldn't have been too bad but I made one pass where the fine snow blew in thur the openings in the cab got fine snow on my jeans then I started getting cold on my legs, anyway got most of the blowing done will do some tomorrow and also clean the yard here with the Husky
At -1 I wouldn't go out of the house without long John's... BRRRRR.
Good to hear the belts working for you.
Showing any unusual wear ?
I have 3 or 4 pair of long johns some place I haven't wore in several years. Under Armor base layer is so-o-o-o-o-o-o much better. 90% poly and 10% spandex. 2 piece outfits so can get top and bottom to fit. To stay warm to DO NOT have anything cotton touching your skin. Cotton absorbs any bit of moisture and holds it, and in turn you start getting cold. Base Layer and a pair of lined jeans is all I need as long as I am moving. On a tractor moving snow where the jeans pull snug over the knees I will put on a pair of insulated pants. Try it, you might like it.
Yea I know I shoulda wore the long johns but I thought it was going to warm up more, will putting them on tomorrow as the high is suppose to be -9*F and I do have a pair of insulated coveralls but it hard to get then on over work boots and rubbers and I'm old and stiff (maybe the old and stiff has a lot to do with it) Geez here in MN you can't stay in the house just cause it at or near 0 out I'd never leave the house although every year its more temping. Didn't get a look at the belt this afternoon as I had to get home to help my better half, but I'm curious and will be checking it out. You know Noel I have a heated seat pad to try out but have found where I have it for safe keeping at one time I used it in my 99 Dakota and it worked good that's another thing to do find it
You could wait until Wednesday as I think it's suppose to warm up. I bought a set of Freezer Wear that are a little oversized and have long zippers in the legs that make it much easier to get on and off. Hopefully with a Cab I won't have to be wearing them much anymore.
Good to hear things are working with the belt Gary. Could you post a picture of one of those belts ? lm fairly sure what type of belt it is. But would like to see a picture of one, just to be sure. When ever you get a chance. No rush.
