Converting a Kohler K321 from breakerless Ignition to Points

I went through the same fiasco at Menards as you. Now I only use a credit card so I can print off another receipt on their machine if I loose the original. Has really simplified things.
Hope you have a reliable source of heat now. It's so warm here that I had to shut down the stove in the shop.
This PK is a 1973 model year and they did not use a starter solenoid to power the starter instead they ran the current thru the switch like was the thing on many GT's in the 60"s. The ignition switch has to be changed from a magneto type to a battery ignition type so the ignition switch is changed and a starter solenoid installed then it to reconnect the wiring and replaced the ignition wires from the mag system to a battery system
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Worked on installing the starter solenoid and got a start on the installing the new ignition switch, tomorrow barring any heater problems or other problems, will work on the wiring, need to run a wire from the solenoid + post to the "B" terminal of the key switch ad a wire from the "I" terminal to the new ignition coil, then its to connect the VR 12 V+ wire and the light switch wire and the PTO wire, will be installing a new PTO switch with the neutral start feature as the tractor has a starter solenoid that can be deactivated for saftey starting. Old ignition switch and new one20231207_144131.jpg20231207_144206.jpg20231207_144220.jpg20231207_151601.jpg20231207_151610.jpg20231207_151617.jpg20231207_151732.jpg
Got the ignition switch installed and some of the wiring done its hard to see any progress when it comes to wiring etc, but its coming along all the wires are connected to the ignition switch, the wire from the switch to the coil is to the coil but not connected yet, now that the tractor has a starter solenoid I installed a PTO saftey switch and got the wires all connected and the light switch is back in its hole and working. Tomorrow its to connect the 12 V ignition wire to the coil and then install the points saver, since I have a points saver module I'll install it and then it to ty-rap the wires into a neat package
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Did some work on the conversion this morning got the wiring straightened out but no ty-raps yet, temporally mounted the condenser so all can see how that goes, the Kohler system mounts the condenser on the coil mount and the wire connects to the (-) terminal of the coil along with the wire that goes to the points the coil + terminal wire is connected to the ignition switch "I" terminal This afternoon I'll install the points saver

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Got some work done on installing the Points Saver,got it mounted on the tractor and the ground wire attached and the Red coil wire (-) terminal connected tomorrow its to connect the black points wire and the 12 V Ignition wire to the coil + terminal then its to give it a test check and see it produces sparkies.
When check the s=various electrical systems I found there was no headlights or PTO clutch got to checking and found I had forgot to connect a wire from the key switch "A" to the light switch made up a wire got connect and it had lights PTO clicked voltmeter showed voltage and the hourmeter was running
Pictures of the Points saver mounted and wire
So, the points saver replaces the condenser?
Yes you remove the condenser and the points save is installed in is place, with the points saver the v=current to the points is mini volts/aps so there is o pitting or burning of the points thus the last just about for ever plus another nice feature is the LED timing light on the points saver module
Was in to the shop for a short time temporally connected the Points saver wires turned the ignition switch on and the red LED light came on so I knew the circuit was good, got a spark plug tester connected and cranked the engine over and had sparkies so connect the spark plug lead to the spark plug and cranked ithe engine no go got my gas squirt bottle and squirted gas into the carb cranked it again and it was running so now its to connect the ignition wires and test again

Transdener II wire diagram, this replaced the points Saver its the same just that the circuitry is smaller and will fit in a case the same size as a condenser so will mount in the same mount and place as the condenser mounted

TransdenserIIb.jpgTransdenser II wire diagram.jpg
Got the wiring finished up only have a couple of ty-raps to install on t5he PTO and headlight wires on the LH side, then its to reinstall the muffler the heater shield on the engine cylinder head and it should be done, it starts and runs good

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