I'll be brief since this is off topic. Dad's destroyer was in for fueling during this storm. 3 Destroyers sank taking hundreds of lives.I've been on small boats (16 to 40 feet)on the ocean since I was a kid. We had a cabin on the coast and my Dad was a boat guy. I've never been seasick. We went through a major storm going to Nam and the whole ship smelled like vomit. Thankfully my cookies stayed where they belong. I think the smell was worse than the ride. It gets in the ventilation system and you can't get away from it and you sure aren't going outside for a stroll in those conditions.
Can't imagine what it was like on a troop ship in one of those storms. YUK!
Destroyers in a storm are about as bad as it gets as far as the ride goes. They didn't call them tin cans for nothing. I don't care what anyone says, the guys who served on those things were real men.
Typhoon Cobra - Wikipedia