Doing Fall things

I still have to get at least 1 more mow in. If it ever quits raining that is. We had flooding last week from a storm that only rained 2.5 inches over an entire day. That is how wet the ground is. I always have my blower on by now. Our average date for first frost is Sept. 15....we haven't had a frost yet. Weather man says the low for tonight is supposed to be 29 so most likely frost tonight. Maybe I should take the air conditioners out of the windows?
We have had a couple hard freezes and several frost already. Maple trees are dropping leaves like crazy. Sun finally came out for a change. Might get the garden dried off enough to plow. Parts to be here today for the Ranger so will fire the leaf blower up and move some leaves around till the mail man gets here.
Three done well the GT5000 is 99% done, got the winter cab the tire chains and the blower installed but when connecting the blower lift linkage I was actuating the linear actuator and the darn switch broke and I didn't a spare so I had to order some. On to number 4 installing the 60" plow blade on the 76 PK, had complete a couple of mods so it has hydraulic angling, got that done this afternoon and the plow installed just a couple of little things to do in the morning and it will be ready to go.

Had a nice surprise in the mail this afternoon when I got home from the shop, got the switch's I ordered for the GT5000 linear actuator Amazon said they would be here next week about Wednesday but here they are. Will get a new switch installed Monday morning and the GT 5000 will be ready to work, TV weatherman says we are goint to have a winter storm towards the end of next week I'm hoping he's full of it
I have cleared the drive of f couple times already. Use the leaf blower for that. Works good till they get about 2' thick, then have to take smaller bites.
I finally got both garden areas plowed with morning. Was a bit on the wet side but with rain forecast for Wednesday I decided not to wait. Drying this time of year is a slow process. Turned under good but will have a lot of weeds come spring. Will hold off till it is green then spray it all. Can till and plant the next.