Epsom Salt

My PawPaw used it with his tomato and pepper plants. It adds calcium which helps prevent blossom end rot. You can add a handful of powdered lime, too, for the same reason. He used post hole diggers for his tomato & pepper plants, burying them until only the top four leaves showed. He also always planted by the signs--head, heart, breast, feet, etc depending on what he was planting. He was well over six feet tall and I've seen his plants head high to him, so dark green they looked black and loaded with fruit.

It's hard to argue with his methods. He never had a bad garden and Granny put up enough stuff to last all winter and give a lot away.
My PawPaw used it with his tomato and pepper plants. It adds calcium which helps prevent blossom end rot. You can add a handful of powdered lime, too, for the same reason. He used post hole diggers for his tomato & pepper plants, burying them until only the top four leaves showed. He also always planted by the signs--head, heart, breast, feet, etc depending on what he was planting. He was well over six feet tall and I've seen his plants head high to him, so dark green they looked black and loaded with fruit.

It's hard to argue with his methods. He never had a bad garden and Granny put up enough stuff to last all winter and give a lot away.

My uncle taught me to bury tomato plants. He would buy the longest ugliest plants no one wanted and bury them as you said. His plants were tall also.
We also plant by the signs, always used the farmers almanac.
I put in so fence posts, my dad asked if I checked the signs. Nope..... most of the posts shifted or pushed out of the ground.
Dad had an old time friend who got into raising beef. He had a young bull he was going to cut, dad to him if he cuts out of sign he will kill the bull. Well, the cut the bull anyway, next morning he had a freezer full of meat, bull bled out over night.

Use regular salt in vinegar to use as a plant killer
Yes on Epsom salts if your soil is low in magnesium. Both peppers and tomatoes need it, tomatoes need more calcium than magnesium but peppers love it and need it. Grows a nice thick pepper with lots of meat. Epsom salt is magnesium sulphate.

I spread a product called dolomitic lime every other year which is a combo of both, dolomite is calcium/magnesium carbonate to give best of both worlds with one product. But for peppers specifically, add epsom to the soil for them. You will not be sorry with results.
Seems those who are supposed to know...they have an ag. degree...say to use their expert soil analysis and commercial fertilizer, Epsom salts are a waste of time. But, and here goes the conspiracy theory, the fertilizer company also funds the university program. You can draw your own conclusions, lol. I've used both Epsom salts for magnesium and crushed egg shells for calcium with good results. My uncle would check his tomato plants and if one was looking kind of wimpy he'd lift it with a shovel and tuck a small fish or gob of fish guts and skin under it, cover the mess with a bit of dirt and set the plant back in the hole. They always perked back up and did well.
Seems those who are supposed to know...they have an ag. degree...say to use their expert soil analysis and commercial fertilizer, Epsom salts are a waste of time. But, and here goes the conspiracy theory, the fertilizer company also funds the university program. You can draw your own conclusions, lol. I've used both Epsom salts for magnesium and crushed egg shells for calcium with good results. My uncle would check his tomato plants and if one was looking kind of wimpy he'd lift it with a shovel and tuck a small fish or gob of fish guts and skin under it, cover the mess with a bit of dirt and set the plant back in the hole. They always perked back up and did well.

I can remember when I was little, dad would take me fishing and have me save the little blue gill I caught. When we got home, he buried them next to the 'mater plants.
My choice is rabbit poop, they cannot metabolism calcium so it comes put the back end, probably why I have decent tomatoes.
I put about a tablespoon dry Epson Salt around all of my plants and it gets in as I water or it rains. Also using an organic liquid fertilizer made by Madina called "Has to Grow". If I could find fish emulsion, I'd use it but haven't found any as of yet this year.
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We also use it around the tomatoes & peppers. Haven't had any good results using the epson salt with vinegar for weed control. I mixed a small amount to test it on one weed still there the next day drooping a little but didn't kill it.