A while back elsewhere, I was melting and cleaning some lead. I got some 1-1/2" X1/8" strap iron this morning to make the inside parts. I'll be able to make another set of 40 lb. each weights. Just for info's sake, I'll have 3 sets that will fit into a 9" wide X 11" tall X 7" deep area and weight in at about 240 lbs. Not bad!
Anywho, I bent up the parts I needed. Made 2 sets of these:

I use a Harbor Freight bender for this:

Located the parts in the mold and added some cattle panel wire for strength.

Now to get the turkey fryer going and melt the lead into them.
Anywho, I bent up the parts I needed. Made 2 sets of these:

I use a Harbor Freight bender for this:

Located the parts in the mold and added some cattle panel wire for strength.

Now to get the turkey fryer going and melt the lead into them.