Sooo, a update on the Ford YT16H I was having trouble with. Finally after a month we got it into the garage on the hoist. Sure enough the fins on hydro plugged up. Drained oil and changed filter. It did drive forward today, but just. When I put it away a month ago it would hardly move forward. Any way, took it out side and tried moving it. It would move forward but still had the chatter and noise in it. Reverse worked fine as it did before. So drove it a bit and then cut a little grass. It would slow down a bit on the hills going up and speed up going down hills. The transmission whine was not the same in forward as before. So kept cutting grass. Then noticed it working a bit better. So cut all the grass and it seems to be working good. And it drove up the ramp into mini barn with no trouble or strange sounds. I’m not sure its quite as good or not before the trouble. If someone else drove it, I doubt they would see any trouble. Me, because I drive it each week, can sorta notice it’s not quite as good. Any way, it’s running and cuts grass again. Need to cut a slot maybe in the rear of the tractor so we could blow out the fins on the hydro more often. I have blown the grass of the deal and around the tractor a few times this year and blew in a round the hydro thru some holes in the frame. But you can’t really see in.