HVLP Paint Sprayers


Jim from Kentucky
Staff member
I bought two of these cheap ones from Harbor Freight. They have some extremely good reviews on YouTube and many videos featuring them. I bought one for Carol then got to thinking I need one too. I didn’t realize the one I got her had a regulator, a wrench, and cleaning brush with hers. The guns are the same. Her and I both used mine a few days ago painting the frame on my White 1855. I have to say it works very well, sensitive to adjustments and easy to clean.
I have 3 of those guns. So cheap its almost cheaper to through them away than to clean them. ;) The trouble that I have had is with leaks around the paint cup where they thread onto the gun body and the lid. Other than that they work fine.
I have 3 of those guns. So cheap its almost cheaper to through them away than to clean them. ;) The trouble that I have had is with leaks around the paint cup where they thread onto the gun body and the lid. Other than that they work fine.
I have a friend that’s into model trains like I am he throws his air brushes away and buys several at a time. I can’t do that yet lol
I buy them by the dozen for the shop. 10 bucks a pop. We use them for small paint jobs and chuck them in the trash. It’s cheaper for me to buy a new paint gun than to pay a guy that makes 40 an hour to clean a 10 dollar gun.

They are great. I have one I’ve painted 3 tractors with

We also have a devilbliss pressure pot that we use for large paint jobs. It is quite the setup and has last for 2 years now without issue. Gotta clean it well.
I watch Bad Chad on youtube and that is what he paints his cars with. I have a similar one from Napa but it has a metal paint cup. Have not used it yet but will soon. Cleaning is easy if you take the time. Next time I'm at HF I am going to pick up a couple.
I bought two of these cheap ones from Harbor Freight. They have some extremely good reviews on YouTube and many videos featuring them. I bought one for Carol then got to thinking I need one too. I didn’t realize the one I got her had a regulator, a wrench, and cleaning brush with hers. The guns are the same. Her and I both used mine a few days ago painting the frame on my White 1855. I have to say it works very well, sensitive to adjustments and easy to clean.
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I used one to shoot the ‘41 for #1 son…I paid $12 for mine….works well however i had to tear the whole gun apart a few times to get it to spray, some factory debris kept clogging but once i sorted it out shot this truck for #1 son,,Paint is a low gloss industrial polyurethane
junior had to replace a tie rod end..no warranties at Dads Garage


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I have 5 or 6 of that same gun. Always clean as it just takes one $3 can of carb spray to clean. I bought so many so I could just toss them, but these guns paint so nice that I have to save them!
I won't throw them away at home.

But at the shop at 180 dollar an hour labor rate..for me to do a tear down, and good scrub of a gun would be about 30 minutes to properly tear down. Drain down the cup back into the bucket, tear the gun 100% apart, clean each piece, lube and put back together. Capture all the used lacquer thinner into the waste container.

It all adds up over the course of the year. Lets say on average he paints 5 days a week. That's 10400 dollars in labor to clean a paint gun, or 2600 dollars in new paint guns. It's way more cost effective to throw them away, then we get into the environmental aspect. I have to account for the cleaning solutions, and pay to dispose of it.

He can throw it in the trash, and move onto something else that will make us money. I always try to look for ways to stream line or save money. 100 here, 500 there, 50 some where else. It all adds up to make us more profitable, and I can buy new toys to use!

It all adds up.