Is AB-1346 The Beginning To The End Of The GARDEN TRACTOR?

I think you will be hearing alot more of this in the near future..... I dont know where all these tree huggin climate change clowns think all this electricity is going to come from, or where they plan to bury the old wind turbines and solar panels... cause that is what happens to most of them now.... but gas engines are not even their main objective... thats just the 1st target. They are after the oil and gas industry as a whole, mostly the crude but all gas and liquid fuel prices will become so high you wont be able to afford a kerosene lamp.... and the gov't will control the electricity.
I have been seeing they are pushing to ban natural gas for residential use by the mid 2030s. Which is interesting because the gas companies are running mains like crazy out here and everyone is switching over. They want everyone to convert to electric heat and ranges. Our grid can't even handle a small thunderstorm. With all these dead ash trees every time the wind blows the electric goes out
you guys down south might want to start building a wall.... cause when Canada loses its oil and gas industry we have nothing left to export... this will become a third world country under comminist control... maybe we'll have a civil war between east and west. Pretty sure I wont live to see that but the future does not look very bright IMO.
They want everyone to convert to electric heat and ranges. Our grid can't even handle a small thunderstorm. With all these dead ash trees every time the wind blows the electric goes out
Don't have the power outage problem but smaller towns in the 4-8K population range have trouble keeping their grid going with normal use of today. How is it going to handle a big jump to electric vehicle charging stations which require 480 V 3 phase for the quick charge or 240 V at a minimum. Won't be any ice forming on the lines for sure. Then where is all this extra power going to come from? I think they are Peeing up a rope and hoping not to get wet.
I am still related to the coal industry even if I'm not employed at a mine anymore.

But! My whole thing has always been if they have something in place that's better and doesn't pollute then ok let's do it!

But we make plans. Let's phase out this and that yet we don't have anything in place to take over! We have hopes and dreams.
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I think you will be hearing alot more of this in the near future..... I dont know where all these tree huggin climate change clowns think all this electricity is going to come from, or where they plan to bury the old wind turbines and solar panels... cause that is what happens to most of them now.... but gas engines are not even their main objective... thats just the 1st target. They are after the oil and gas industry as a whole, mostly the crude but all gas and liquid fuel prices will become so high you wont be able to afford a kerosene lamp.... and the gov't will control the electricity.
Right now there is a gigantic burial ground for wind generator pieces near Casper, WY. They cut those blades up into pieces 25 feet or so long, stack them in a big pit and cover them up! May be more but this is place is close to my area.

Yeah ,I know that was the demise of Lawn Boys. First California then the rest of us, I miss the old lawn boys from the early 80s and prior.

You got to be kidding right? Sure they were good in their day. The NEW Law Boy I have is so much better. It's like having a self propelled bush hog! Those ATV tires are unstoppable. 6.5Hp Briggs just rips thru things. It's not as wide as a rider, but it can go places the riders would get stuck in.


My little beast ! Lawn Boy 10640 :thumbs:
Can these mow 5 acres? My zero turn sure can on one tank. Then over the roadway, down the ditch to the mother-in-laws to mow her 3 acres.
That's not mine to say. All I know is his knowledge helped get me through an engine swap on my MF12G and he does tractor pulls with his GE tractors. Not sure what your zero turn has to do with my comment.

Right now there is a gigantic burial ground for wind generator pieces near Casper, WY. They cut those blades up into pieces 25 feet or so long, stack them in a big pit and cover them up! May be more but this is place is close to my area.

They should be forced to grind those blades up to recycle them into new blades being their whole idea with wind power is to help our environment, not to fill the ground with crap!
not sure why but those blades are not being recycled and very little of the solar panels is so all this garbage is buried... apparantly alot of it is sent to 3rd world countries where laws are lax... and some how this is green energy saving the planet???

Little Greta said so.
I have been seeing they are pushing to ban natural gas for residential use by the mid 2030s. Which is interesting because the gas companies are running mains like crazy out here and everyone is switching over. They want everyone to convert to electric heat and ranges. Our grid can't even handle a small thunderstorm. With all these dead ash trees every time the wind blows the electric goes out
And as of not very long ago all the talk was what a glut/surplus of nat gas we had underground.... And how many hundreds of years worth of it is bottles up within the earth
not sure why but those blades are not being recycled and very little of the solar panels is so all this garbage is buried... apparantly alot of it is sent to 3rd world countries where laws are lax... and some how this is green energy saving the planet???

Little Greta said so.
The only thing green is what is lining the pockets of a few while ramming them down our throats whether we want them or not.