My Bota came with the SSQA bucket on the loader. When I bought it we didn't want to pay the extra money for it. The dealer whent thru his stack of front loaders and could not find one with out the SSQA bucket and not wanting to call and tell use we would have to wait for him to find one or order one he thru the SSQA in on the deal.
Ok now I have it I want to pit a snow plow on it but do not want to pay the thousands for a new SSQA one.
$1500 for 79" one which I am sure my bota can handle.
I was given this Farmal H with rotted out rear rims and all the plug wires missing due to a crazy woman wife.
Any way I am kicking around converting the blade so it is a SSQA hook up to the Bota.
Should have taken thre time last summer to do it. As it is I am going to wait till summer 2019 to do it now.
I like front blades for plowing the drive way.
The pacer needs new tires on ther rear now. and the blade isn't wide enough to do the drive in one pass.
Ok now I have it I want to pit a snow plow on it but do not want to pay the thousands for a new SSQA one.
$1500 for 79" one which I am sure my bota can handle.
I was given this Farmal H with rotted out rear rims and all the plug wires missing due to a crazy woman wife.
Any way I am kicking around converting the blade so it is a SSQA hook up to the Bota.

Should have taken thre time last summer to do it. As it is I am going to wait till summer 2019 to do it now.
I like front blades for plowing the drive way.
The pacer needs new tires on ther rear now. and the blade isn't wide enough to do the drive in one pass.