Lawn boy walk behind snowblower?

dodge trucker

I have an 8hp/24" one of tehse, looks like a newer unit.... as these go. I havent dug into it yet, but the guy I got it from said it needs the "drive tire" for the self propelled function. I know Snapper, Ariens, etc also used a similar setup on some of their equipment, I was wondering among the brands how "universal" are these drive wheels among the brands.
I know that Toro bought out Lawn Boy, but the intake doesn't look Toro-ish to me, looks more Noma or maybe Murray-ish, from the side.
Does it look like this one. In 1990 I was looking for a new snowblower. Had lawnboy mowers, so thought lawnboy snowblower would be good. And the thing that was a selling gimmick was All Gear Drive. Any way, looked at a lot of snowblowers at that time. Didn’t buy the lawnboy. Bought a Noma Canadiana. CN 8-27DE. Mine has the snow hog tires, instead of the turf tire and chains. That was in November 1990. Still have it.



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I think most you see will be somewhat generic to one another..
Lot of them just change the paint color and stickers..

Ya that’s been goining on for years that trick. And for a lot of different things. When I sold stoves, they would have a place on the stove for the brand name. In the bag in the oven that had the legs, bits and pieces, manual, were the brand name tags. So you just stuck in what ever brand name you wanted.

It's an 8hp Tecumseh snow king with electric start. I don't think it's that old, had some hits on one from around 99-02ish. I gotta look at the motor and see what the build date is on that.
They are very good machines. Parts are easily to come by and easy to work on.
Those Tecumseh 8 hp's are pretty much bullet proof. I'm assuming its a flat head and not overhead valve ?

Not sure exactly what you mean by ""drive tire" for the self propelled function. Is wheel and tire missing ?
Up inside the housing, I got it with the cover off the bottom and was told that it needs the drive wheel up inside of there. Not the wheels and tires that hold the machine up off of the driveway. Just what I was told by the PO. I haven't dug into it yet. I agree with you about those engines being generally good as I've always had great luck with Tecumseh engines.except for some of their non adjustable carbs.

My question was whether I was bound to having to buy "only genuine Lawn Boy parts" for the machine itself or if someone else actually built them for lawn boy.
Up inside the housing, I got it with the cover off the bottom and was told that it needs the drive wheel up inside of there. Not the wheels and tires that hold the machine up off of the driveway. Just what I was told by the PO. I haven't dug into it yet. I agree with you about those engines being generally good as I've always had great luck with Tecumseh engines.except for some of their non adjustable carbs.

My question was whether I was bound to having to buy "only genuine Lawn Boy parts" for the machine itself or if someone else actually built them for lawn boy.
I believe you'll have something similar to the picture below with the rubber drive wheel and fiction disc. The rubber wheels wear out as does the aluminum disc but thats not as common. "Most" times grease or oil gets on the rubber wheel and makes them unusable. They have to be kept very clean.


A few machines use the same principle drive system but is up by the drive belt area.
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looks like a Y2K vintage. going by the numbers. Engine numbers say made in 1999, snow blower serial numbers come back as a 2000 model.
I wrote down 22832 but that doesn't come up, I might have mixed up the numbers. 28232 looks more like it.
The motor runs, but like the other 2 machines I got from this guy, packed TIGHT under the engine shroud by varmints. gas tank was dry but carb still smells like it had old gas in it... typical non adjustable Tec surge.... carb is in ultrasonic right now. silly plastic main jet style held in by 2 O rings.
Looks like it isn't (what I called) the drive tire/ that looks fine. The bearings on the shaft that it rotates on though are beyond shot and the whole shaft wobbles within the bearings. so it kind of grabs and slips.... It doesn't look like this unit has had much usage at all though. .
When I looked up the breakdown via Jack's small engines all it gave me were "Lawn Boy" numbers... no "options" in RH column like other times when I look there for parts. (I only ever use Jack's as a part number reference, most times I can find what they sell more reasonably)
looks like if I replace those bearings the drive might be good to go.
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It's fixed, back together. I've never seen a set of those bearings oval out like that. And I got tubes in the tires, I'm glad this thing don't weigh much as I used "409" to help pry the beads back on with the tubes in place, an sit was bubbling out the sidewalls as I aired them up. I might wind up having to put new tires on before long.
Hey the 409 was the only thing I had close at hand to wet the bead haha