This morning working the bota pushing down Autum Olive, wild Dogwood and Multi flora Rose where I believe is just inside the new property line.
I had a branch hung up on the loader so got off the tractor and there is the pin laying there all shiny and proud. I thought it might be fore the loader so started a inspection of all knowen pins and found nothing.
I decided ai needed to go to the house and lay in the grass and serch the under sides for a missing pin. When I got there I was late for dinner, OH Crap, she doesn't like for me to do that.
Hey I don't wear a watch I am retired, and know how to run a micro wave.
Any way while eatting it dawned on me like a flash of light. I know where that pin came from so after I finished eatting and southing the feathers I went out and sure enough no draw bar.
I have a metal detector so I should be able to find it despie working the box blade with the rippers down.
Maybe I pushed it into a brush pile also.think I will make a locking clip for the pin like on my trucks trailer hitch. It is like a safety pin you pin diaper on with.
Darn gave my age away didn't I.
I had a branch hung up on the loader so got off the tractor and there is the pin laying there all shiny and proud. I thought it might be fore the loader so started a inspection of all knowen pins and found nothing.
I decided ai needed to go to the house and lay in the grass and serch the under sides for a missing pin. When I got there I was late for dinner, OH Crap, she doesn't like for me to do that.
Hey I don't wear a watch I am retired, and know how to run a micro wave.
Any way while eatting it dawned on me like a flash of light. I know where that pin came from so after I finished eatting and southing the feathers I went out and sure enough no draw bar.
I have a metal detector so I should be able to find it despie working the box blade with the rippers down.
Maybe I pushed it into a brush pile also.think I will make a locking clip for the pin like on my trucks trailer hitch. It is like a safety pin you pin diaper on with.
Darn gave my age away didn't I.