May Look at A Kubota 2320

So you're saying they'll offer you insurance on a 10 year old, previous privately owned tractor ?
Yes they did and we still have it. You will have to call KTAC at 1-800-348-5802. They will decide based on the year and if it was previously insured thru them. Ours was so there was no problem. I have a friend who's 2000 Kubota was never insured thru them and they still took it about 4 years ago. Some on the Kubota forums were saying they no longer do that but it does warrant a call to see, Good luck.
A lot of insurance companies offer compact tractor insurance. Doesn’t just have to be Kubota.

My buddy insures his tractors through progressive. He rolled his Deere over a few years ago. It was all covered under his policy.

I have a policy through them that covers my 4 wheeler, motorcycles and tractor (even though it’s covered under my home owners policy). It’s 275 a year for all of them.
A lot of insurance companies offer compact tractor insurance. Doesn’t just have to be Kubota.

My buddy insures his tractors through progressive. He rolled his Deere over a few years ago. It was all covered under his policy.

I have a policy through them that covers my 4 wheeler, motorcycles and tractor (even though it’s covered under my home owners policy). It’s 275 a year for all of them.
I had checked several ins companies prior to getting Kubota KTAC ins.. True that they will insure and cover, but all but one said as long as it is on your Property! None covered it if it were on someone else's property, or if it were stolen from another property, of if it was damaged due to falling off the trail while transporting. That was the biggest selling point for me. No it does not have to be Kubota insurance but those who I have talked to and read about that has it are very satisfied with it. My home owners insurance said it would cover theft and fire but not any damage. Glad your buddy got his fixed.