Saw this today. !


Went to Montague to see a garden tractor buddy and deliver some potatoes to him, I borrowed a hilling tool from him last year to help grow the potatoes, so the potatoes are sorta a little payment. He is right into pulling garden tractors. Any way saw this in my travels.



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My dad and uncle had a flat bed ton truck they used around their chicken house. I got to drive it standing up in granny gear. My cousin’s live in sold it for scrap when he was tied up for a few months. I’d love to have one as a knock around truck.
My knowledge of this era is kind of lacking but I think that GMC is a '48 or '49. Has the bigger crossbar grill with 3 bars. Don't look like it has wing windows, but I can't tell if it has a one piece windshield. Dang some bug just bit the backside of my arm while typing this! Hurts like a wasp sting! This is what it looks like after I whacked it with a fly swatter!

Jeez, still hurting! Sorry about the hijack there Noel, but it happened right when I was trying to answer this! There's a welt on my arm---LOL!
I think those longboxes were one ton and heavier like Cat was saying there. I know in 55.2 GMC's the half ton longbox was 89". That's what mine is. I think that longbox in the picture was 98" or maybe even 102". Can't remember for sure. Looks like this one is on a more modern chassis to me.

Nice pic Noel your getting to be our go to guy capturing these classics. I love them old trucks with four wheel drive especially the ones someone built. A guy at our church built a 54 Chevy on a Blazer drive train and was lime green.
Nice pic Noel your getting to be our go to guy capturing these classics. I love them old trucks with four wheel drive especially the ones someone built. A guy at our church built a 54 Chevy on a Blazer drive train and was lime green.
About 1990 I put a Ford body and shortened bed on a Blazer frame......Was a great plow tuck for driveways.
