Sweet Corn 2020

Have you ever tried Incredible. It really is that good and my family doesn't want me planting anything else. Sent my Son some Kandy corn by mistake and his wife told him to not even plant it unless they run out of the good stuff.
There's this too, your soil might not produce the same taste results as ours. This will be the first year the Son is raising sweetcorn on the west coast so it will be interesting to see how his turns out. Just put in our second planting. First is about 2 inches high.
Wife figured out that corn makes her body hurt...... :( Have not planted any for several years... :( When I did plant it, we liked Peaches & Cream.
Soil temp finally got up to where it should be. Good we didn’t jump the gun, the rains would have moved it to the neighbors.
First 3 small rows are in, the rest hopefully after work tomorrow.

This is what we plant. Have never found better. It beats Peaches and Cream, Butter and sugar, all of them and with almost no smut or issues. Hardy plants too. Not that they can’t be blown over, just that they seem to be better anchored than some.

Incredible is an SE variety of corn. Same as Candy Corn that we planted many year back. Candy Corn was a big hit about 10 years ago.
Xtra -Tender 274A F1 is an au/ sh2 variety and quite a few steps up in sugar content.
The Anthem II and Obsession II I plant is an au/sh2 variety which is Round up-Ready which make for ez weed control. It also hold it sugar content much better than other corn after picking.
This year I also got a bag of SV9010SA also au/sh2 to try out.
The Anthem II is a 72 day corn with a large kernel that can be planted early in cool soils.
The Obsession II and the SV9010SA are 81 day and grow a bit taller for easier picking.
Be sure not to plant se or su varieties close to au/sh2 to avoid cross pollination. That can severely lower the sugar content of the au/sh2 corn
There you go Sweet Corn 101.
Duck I had no clue you were a Botanist. :) Thanks for the information and now I have to figure out what you said.
All I know is I could and almost have eaten the Incredible until I was sick. Not uncommon to have a family corn feed with the first picking.
Dang, I can't wait, fresh sweet corn and fresh fried Perch.