Terra Grip traction belts

daytime dave

Has anyone used these as a replacement for chains on blacktop driveways? I was in the local John Deere dealership and they had them on clearance. I picked them up for snow blowing the driveway this winter with the Craftsman.

Two of my neighbors swear by them. Both asphalt, one of which is long and almost a 3% grade, the other is virtually flat.
On the other hand, the sloped drive owner has a JD X750 with a hard cab and a click and go weight bracket with 4 suitcase weights. The other has an X754 with 50# wheel weights. Both run 47 blowers. Both have turf tires.
They will work fine Dave. Loading your tires will help too. Hang a few weights off the back, then look out snow flakes. !

Noel, you are right, they work fine. The problem is my driveway is uphill with a curve. Not only did they bite, they let each wheel slip me all the way up. It took a while and I needed to shift my weight on the unit several times. In the end, they didn't perform what I needed. It's a pretty steep driveway. They did well. The machine is only a back up for a future home, so I'm happy with it's overall performance for sure.


