Two WheelHorses followed me home

Couple of nice tractors. I have a real soft spot for those older Wheel Horse tractors.
Wish you lived closer as I have a snow blower for one of those I'm sick of tripping over.

I wIsh I was closer. Been keeping my eyes open for a plow. A blower would be even better. Dont seem to be many attachmenuts locally for the time being.

Having some fun ridin' that 'Horse! Looks like it cuts well, John! How much are those wheel weights? They look pretty massive!

I had a blast riding it Doug. It steers like it has power steering. The wheel weights are 50 lbs. Both the rear tires have slow leaks, so they will be coming off over the winter to get the tires tubed.

John, Im wondering why the wheel weights and chains on there if no Plow or snowblower came with them. Did the relatives have those attachments at one time.? Glad you got one out to chew on the grass.

Noel, the 312-8 was bought new by my wife’s uncle. He has since passed. Got this off of his son. He swears that he remembers a plow but we looked around and can not find one. He has the original bill of sale for it and the only thing extra was the wheel weights and chains. He paid $3200 for all of it in1996.
