Watering the Strawberries

We probably got an 1/8th inch of rain but had 8 weather warnings at one time. Everything from winds to tornados. Got the wind and lightning but that was about it.
In the winter we cover the strawberries with straw. In the spring when I first see green leave at the edges I pull the straw off. I do not remove what is matted down and let the plants come up through it. I think I removed 3 weeds this year. Between the old leaves and straw there is very little in the way of weeds.
Going to town today to get the fittings I need to finish the well. Suppose to be a little cooler.
That is what we intended to do but cold weather go to us before we got to it. Been to hot lately to do it and been busy with garden and mowing so it goes. Time to get rid of some work at our age anyway. Used to give a lot way but now days they want it cleaned and delivered for nothing. Nope, not going to work that way.
Back about 40 something years ago, several of us started racing go karts on a track built in neighbor's back pasture just inside some trees. Dust was the biggest problem other than busting up our karts, so Mike used an old 275 gallon fuel tank and did just as you did Chris, except he centered the drop pipe in the center on the rear of tank. Sure made racing better as we didn't end up with mud in between our teeth! LOL

Sounds like we did some similar stuff for fun, Daniel, at about the same time. Track was in my back yard. 31 years ago I got the MF8E to do the dirt work but never built a water trailer. Wasn't set up to do much fabricating back then. I used sprinklers and hand watering. Chris's setup with a centered spray bar would have been great!

We probably got an 1/8th inch of rain but had 8 weather warnings at one time. Everything from winds to tornados. Got the wind and lightning but that was about it.
In the winter we cover the strawberries with straw. In the spring when I first see green leave at the edges I pull the straw off. I do not remove what is matted down and let the plants come up through it. I think I removed 3 weeds this year. Between the old leaves and straw there is very little in the way of weeds.
Going to town today to get the fittings I need to finish the well. Suppose to be a little cooler.
Our daughter in Aberdeen said similar, lots of warnings, high wind and rough weather in general and they were without power for an hour or so. But, no rain to speak of with it! Sure wish those heavy rains we had would have reached you, Chris!

Yesterday I doubled the number of holes in the boom and that works really good. Only have to make two passes to dump the 55 gals. on the berries and the travel speed is faster. Now using the well it takes 10 minutes to fill the tank and 7 minutes to empty it. Also made a short boom to water the row plants.
We are starting to pick straw berries and have found by waiting until they are a dark burgundy the flavor improves a lot and they are much sweeter. Wife is going to make a bunch of freezer jam which is really good on homemade bread.
Hopefully we will get rain tonight.
Every year we have a problem with the birds destroying our Strawberries. It started again today. Had to get out the 20 gauge poison applicator. Hate using it but those buggers take two bites out of each ripe berry. Three or four birds can wipe out a whole days pickings. They only do it to the best berries and won't give up for anything. Usually have to give 3 or 4 of them an attitude adjustment before they get the idea they aren't wanted. Our patch is too big for netting and scare devices only work for a short time and then they are used to them. Even a gun only runs them off for a couple minutes and they are right back. Pesky critters.
I was wondering how you control the birds. At our old place the second year Carol was pregnant craving strawberries. She watched a few almost ready to pick, next morning was the big day but the birds got there first. It wasn’t near as big as your patch but I draped cheese cloth over it and it worked.
The berries are a huge flop! Not much taste and not sweet. Going to spray with round-up and start again with some other type. At this point I cannot recommend the King Kong strawberries. Now where near as big as advertised and the flavor is a bummer. I am going to get a PH tester and see where that stands before I do anything but as of now they are a big disappointment. :( Any suggestions on a sweet June bearing berry I'd like to hear from you. Zone 4. Thanks.
Will update this when the meter gets here.