Winter 21/22, snow fighter fleet

With a snow thrower one has to learn to work with the wind and throw the snow the right direction. If I have to move any snow it is done with a tractor & thrower or the 2 stage walk behind. Get the now out of the way lots faster. Just what works for me. When it get to deep I just call my neighbor.
You get some serious snow, Noel! Then no where to push it to. Looks like blowing, throwing or casting is your only choice! Up here it is pretty rare to get snowstorms without drifting. That opens up places to come in with the blade at angles and undercut the drifts. It takes longer but I'm not a snowman within a few minutes either. Seems like the wind can come out of every direction at once here sometimes. The blade is a lot easier on the gravel it seems to me also.
