The weather wizards had been talking up this big storm that was coming our way 4 to 6 inches or more snow and cold, starting Wednesday evening going thru Thursday most of the day, it did snow Wednesday night woke up to a couple 3 inches of and fortunately Thursday fizzled and we only got a couple more inches for a total of about 4 inches it did get cold Wed was 7*F for the low Thursday low was 9*F and this morning it was -9*F. Went into town met my 2 brothers for coffee breakfast a some BS usually my BIL and a friend joins us. About 9:30 went to the shop to fire up the diesel cab heater and the Kubota it was -4*F when I drove it outside and some how I miss placed one of my gloves but it was nice and warm in the cab and didn't need them took 2 hrs to get all the blowing completed. I really like the Kubota and the diesel cab heater it was -2*F when I finished up and I also tested out a shear bolt in the LH auger replaced the sheared bolt installed a new bolt and all was good.