37 tons of gravel


Senior Member
Got delivered today. There wasn't a lot of preparation to do just move trucks, load the camper and move it, Right? I did decide to take marking paint and mark out the new edges, would have been easier with one of those push wheels that holds the paint can but that went ok. It should help the neighbor with the bobcat I'm hiring to help. He has his bobcat out on a job north of town but will bring it home when he gets off work for the weekend.

Things went well until I went to go jack the camper up to put the pickup under it. Been 3 years since it has been on the truck. Do you think I could find the hand crank for the front jacks? Nope! After spending too much time looking for it I built a tool. The jack has a simple 1/2" rod sticking out of the gearbox that has a flat ground on one side. Took a 1/2" drive 1/2" six point socket and dabbed some weld into one point. Filed on it for a half hour and now I can use a 1/2" drive cordless impact when there's weight on the jacks then the drill will do it after that. Better setup anyway. Camper is 1972 like the truck, so they never thought about that back then.

Took the tailgate off the truck, got it loaded and backed out of the way.

The gravel arrived without a hitch, one load about 11 am and the other about 2pm. He gave me some time to figure out how to jack up the dang camper.

Pile in front of the house.

The second pile is going here, but I forgot to get a pic of it until just now, after dark.

My neighbor with the bobcat called about 3 and said his machine broke down but he's got a mechanic working on it and was hoping to have it running for tomorrow.
I figured I would try to push and backdrag some with the MF8E just in case I had no other choice. I could do some of it but would be loading the yard cart by hand, and dumping to get the gravel moved. More work than I want to do!

About 5:45 the neighbor pulled into his driveway with the bobcat, thankfully!
He will start spreading around 9am.

Tractors are ready for the finish work.

Sure could use a FEL about now---LOL!

When they come to my sons place, they use a slinger truck and can place it all over where you want it. And just about level. One pass with a light drag and it’s good. We use rock dust. Don’t know what you guys call it. I’ve heard it called pea gravel before.

When they come to my sons place, they use a slinger truck and can place it all over where you want it. And just about level. One pass with a light drag and it’s good. We use rock dust. Don’t know what you guys call it. I’ve heard it called pea gravel before.

Pea gravel is small (3/8 or less)round stone. Popular for use at dog kennels. We put crusher fines down,,,it packs but constantly tracked into house. Pea gravel wont stick to your boots.
That is one heck of a size camper, how well does it go down the road?

Last year I got a 22 ton load, one of the reasons I built this....


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That is one heck of a size camper, how well does it go down the road?

Last year I got a 22 ton load, one of the reasons I built this....
I like that Harry! Did you have a build thread anywhere?

We've not taken the camper on any long highway driving. I still need to build a special bumper for the pickup. The camper has tabs that need to fit into pockets built into the bumper. My wife's uncle dropped it off here one time but kept the bumper! They toured all over the country with it and never had any problems in the road. He said one time when they took it off road, a twisty trail made the pickup lose traction as the drive wheel lifted up.
