Is AB-1346 The Beginning To The End Of The GARDEN TRACTOR?


Senior Member
My Wife brought something to my attention this morning that was more bad news specific to the "Hobby" most of us share. I did some searching to find out how bad it was and became "Stunned" at the far reaching potential impact that one US State (California) can have on the Nation as a whole, I'm unsure how it might impact our friends up north (Canada) at this time, if any, and those outside of North America may not have any impact from this at all.

California's New Law, AB-1346, signed into law 09OCT2021 that bans ALL residential and commercial gas powered yard equipment by 01JAN2024, That's 786 days or 2 years by my calculation starting with today. A ban on all small engines 25hp and under with these temporary exemptions for now, on-road motor vehicles, off-road motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles, boats, snowmobiles, model airplanes, or cars. The exempt vehicles are mandated to have zero emission mandates by CARB, by 2035 at the latest.

Examples of what is banned,

Lawn Mowers, Lawn and Garden Tractors, Snow Blowers, Leaf Blowers, Rototillers, Portable Water Pumps, Fence Post Augers, Chain Saws, String Trimmers, Generators (by 2028), Golf Carts, and specialty Vehicles, to name a few. Zero emission is defined as electric battery powered or plug-in, not Natural Gas or Propane.

This forum is about Lawn and Garden Tractors and the unique role they play in our lives. Though California residents are losing some valuable freedoms here, for those in other States that think they are in the clear, you may need to reconsider how this law may impact you by which State you live in. This law mandates CARB (California Air Resources Board) to regulate the ban of all small engine yard equipment (25hp and under by 01JAN 2024 as the first of many new mandates to come). CARB is stricter than the US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and is allowed to act outside of the EPA and so far, there are 15 States that have adopted CARB as there standard with 3 more pending adoption.

The current US States that have adopted CARB are as follows,

1) California
2) New York
3) Massachusetts
4) Vermont
5) Maine
6) Pennsylvania
7) Connecticut
8) Rhode Island
9) Washington
10) Oregon
11) New Jersey
12) Maryland
13) Delaware
14) Colorado
15) Virginia

The three current pending States to adopt CARB are as follows,

1) Minnesota
2) Nevada
3) New Mexico

For California, I'm sorry, it's over for now, but for those in the other States, maybe something can still be done? I don't know.

I can't find one piece of equipment that can take over the job of the Garden Tractor as an electric option for in the cold and blowing snow as an example of what's being lost, at least in the residential market. For those thinking AG such as a SCUT to get around these laws, maybe? But residential Zoning may prohibit as a Code Violation the use of AG equipment in a Residential zone, but either way, it looks like you have two years if you can get supply, and to be "Grandfathered" with a new Garden Tractor and or snow blower or? Before CARB ends the supply and choice for you.

I have left the actual law in PDF for all of you plus links.

Link to the law,

The Law, AB-1346 as of 09OCT2021, to go into effect no later than 01JAN2024,
Bill Text - AB-1346 Air pollution: small off-road engines.

Links to the developing story,

The LA Times, 09OCT2021,
California moves toward ban on gas lawn mowers and leaf blowers

The Wall Street Journal, 12OCT2021,
California moves toward ban on gas lawn mowers and leaf blowers

The Washington Post, 12OCT2021,

FOX News Channel, 18OCT2021,
California: Gas-powered lawn equipment tops long list of things banned by Newsom

Car and Driver, 19OCT2021
California Enacts Ban on Gas-Powered Lawn Mowers, Leaf Blowers

CNET, 22OCT2021,
California outlaws future sales of gas leaf blowers and lawn mowers. What to know about the new rule

Link to the EPA and CARB explanation on Wiki,

Wikipedia, Clean Air Act, CARB, description,
United States vehicle emission standards - Wikipedia

Links to the participation CARB States,

Autoweek, 19MAR2019,
What are CARB states, ZEV states and 'smile' states? Autoweek explains

Maryland Department of the environment, (Current)
States Adopting California's Clean Cars Standards

Bloomberg Law, 26MAR2021,
States Adopt California Car Rules Amid National Standards Debate

CarsDirect, 22SEP2021,



sounds like a batch of BS.... but a question.... why do you write all the dates like "05NOV2021???" That has always driven me nuts by itself....
Military way of writing the date. Been that way for ever and a day. I never stuck with it but some can't get away from it. I still like the 24 hour clock. No confusion if it is am or pm. Some can not figure it out.
YAWN, sort of old news. And for us who own DIESEL machines, we are not affected by this whatsoever. :) Plus this article declaration uses the term 'gas' and the sub section (D) for lawn and garden equipment.

I've not seen ANY electric powered rototiller walk behind units that can replace Poulan Pro 900 nor the Cub Cadet version of it.

IF you are lucky, the electric would have to be corded to a wall plug. And that only provides a tiny machine 16 inches wide to reach down 3 inches below the soil.

If it came down to the tiller question, I would then switch to diesel.
I thought most of not all 2 stroke was banned out there years ago

I am pretty sure that you can still buy 2 stroke dirt bikes in California. But there was an end date for sale of new.

Odd to me my random watching of dirt bike riding on youtube that 2 stroke bikes have made a huge comeback and I think every manufacturer except for Honda has a 2 stroke bike in their line up!
YAWN, sort of old news. And for us who own DIESEL machines, we are not affected by this whatsoever. :) Plus this article declaration uses the term 'gas' and the sub section (D) for lawn and garden equipment.

I've not seen ANY electric powered rototiller walk behind units that can replace Poulan Pro 900 nor the Cub Cadet version of it.
View attachment 44436

IF you are lucky, the electric would have to be corded to a wall plug. And that only provides a tiny machine 16 inches wide to reach down 3 inches below the soil.
View attachment 44437

If it came down to the tiller question, I would then switch to diesel.

View attachment 44438
Don’t think for one moment diesel or anything else will be protected. It doesn’t have anything to do with the substance. It’s about doing away with what we like, want, or need to make our lives accordingly to “THEIR” standards even if they have to make up the reason.
I think you will be hearing alot more of this in the near future..... I dont know where all these tree huggin climate change clowns think all this electricity is going to come from, or where they plan to bury the old wind turbines and solar panels... cause that is what happens to most of them now.... but gas engines are not even their main objective... thats just the 1st target. They are after the oil and gas industry as a whole, mostly the crude but all gas and liquid fuel prices will become so high you wont be able to afford a kerosene lamp.... and the gov't will control the electricity.