And more junk.

Burning kerosene bothers my eyes but burning #1 diesel not at all. No idea why.
I have been using #1 to lite the fireplace and the corn stove in the basement, simply due to the price and availability. Can smell the diesel till it gets all burned off. Never had that with kero.

I'm using #2 right now since its what we had on hand. I need to get some #1 and try it out. I need to check our local Co-op for kerosene. I know of one other place to get it in bulk but they want $9.99/gal.
I know it's just me, but I hate the smell of diesel, both the exhaust and the liquid fuel, always have. Favourite fuel smell? Standing on the dock with my fishing tackle, and smelling outboard motor gas on a cool morning at the lake in summer. Brings back happy memories of my childhood on Lake of the Woods.
I'm using #2 right now since its what we had on hand. I need to get some #1 and try it out. I need to check our local Co-op for kerosene. I know of one other place to get it in bulk but they want $9.99/gal.
Jeez, twice as much as I paid at Fleet Farm, CJet! No minimum either. 1 gallon or 50 gallons. 5 bucks.
I know it's just me, but I hate the smell of diesel, both the exhaust and the liquid fuel, always have. Favourite fuel smell? Standing on the dock with my fishing tackle, and smelling outboard motor gas on a cool morning at the lake in summer. Brings back happy memories of my childhood on Lake of the Woods.
I don't like either smell of diesel either, and now they make everyone put that cat p!$$ stuff in it and it stinks even worse!

That's a great memory, Lorna! Two stroke engine? Some of those oils for mixing actually did smell good!

I have heat out in the lift bay again! Everything went smoothly for once---LOL! The cherry picker decided to quit pumping the first attempt. I lowered it and tried it again and it got to a point where it hesitated, then began raising again. I have never added oil to it, but it has never leaked either. Not even sure how to do it. Do I take the cylinder off the picker to lay it flat, and then should it be extended or contracted? Bottle jacks I have always just laid them on their side and filled them contracted. That thing is probably 25 years old now, so it probably needs some maintenance.


Hooked up the exhaust, gas line and thermostat wires after sliding it into position.

Plugged in the cord and it fired up right away! Nice blue flames. The one that had to hole in it showed a little orange in the flame before.

It only took a minute or so and the app picked up the thermostat on the phone.

I left the side panel off. I am going to call a friend that might have a gas pressure gauge to check that again before I close it up.

Even though I'm still not feeling 100% yet, that sure makes me feel better that the furnace seems to be working as it should again!

Picked up tools but that was enough for today.

Seems that everything has to app controlled on a phone any more. They set up Carolyns hearing aids that way also. And it doesn't work. They have one volume and changing it on the app don't do a thing. Mine controls with a switch right on the aid and has worked for several years. Just something else to drag along whenever she goes some place. Her aid "professional" and I are going to have a conversation her next appointment soon.
Seems that everything has to app controlled on a phone any more. They set up Carolyns hearing aids that way also. And it doesn't work. They have one volume and changing it on the app don't do a thing. Mine controls with a switch right on the aid and has worked for several years. Just something else to drag along whenever she goes some place. Her aid "professional" and I are going to have a conversation her next appointment soon.
Yeah Rog, I understand where you are coming from, but I have decided not to fight it and try to learn how to use apps. It will be nice being able to adjust the temp from in the house rather than having to run to the shop in crappy weather to turn it up. I need to research doing a digital thermostat for the house now.

I got really lucky yesterday with the cherry picker going up high enough to put the furnace in position. I went ahead and removed the cylinder today and laid it done to dump some oil in it. Was a lot easier than doing it vertical. I filled it slightly over the hole in a vertical position.

Now it won't go any higher than this picture.

I can't find any numbers to even attempt to order a rebuild kit for it, but there must be an internal seal that is leaking. No external leaks. I hate to take it to someone for repair but have no clue how to get a correct kit.

At least it stubbornly did the job yesterday---LOL!

Try loosening the screw (just loosen it about 3/4 of a turn so you provide an air escape around the threads - do not remove) where you filled it with oil and see if you get some air out (burp it) - might have to work the cylinder up and down a few times as well. Tie a rag around the cylinder underneath the screw to catch any oil seepage as any air escapes. Just a suggestion as I remember running into a similar situation on the cylinder on my little press and having to burp it to get it to work correctly again.
Edit: here is oil checking and adding instructions from the shop crane I have which uses a similar cylinder - this may help you
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