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  1. MH81

    Boy it that tight!!!!!!!

    Wow, that seems like an overenginered wonder.
  2. MH81

    1967 Sears Suburban

    I believe they will fit fine. I have a 68 with 24" tires on it and not a.lot of clearance. Are you planning on using mid mount attachments? The rear mount rod may hit the tire with bigger tires. If only doing rear attachments, it's not a problem.
  3. MH81

    What did you do with your tractor today?

    Used my watering rig several days this week Used Mr Roper to move some stuff Hope to have time to re-transmission my Suburban 12 tomorrow
  4. MH81

    $100.00 - IH 430 Baler

    I was young, but I remember him saying you couldn't adjust them the same. One side had to be tighter or looser and it wasn't like the manual. Probably worn or.bent before we got it, but the baler stuck in my memory because of it. LOL
  5. MH81

    $100.00 - IH 430 Baler

    Nice resurrection. We had an old IH at one time, the frustrations from the knotters put dads blood pressure up every year. Sold it and bought a nice MF9 Had MF balers from then on.
  6. MH81

    From scrap water hauler

    Like so many things in life, it Depends on how many and length...
  7. MH81

    From scrap water hauler

    I had a 15 gal barrel that teet dip originally was shipped in. It’s been hanging around for a while and I needed a way to get down the rows and provide water. Some old displays from work provided the 1” sq tubing, a piece of 1/2” rebar for the top, the 3 pt pins mount to some old safety tabs...
  8. MH81

    A few antiques I’ve seen,

    I want to see an antique, I look in a mirror or roll over in bed I had a 78 ElDorado and a 75 Coronet. I ended up having to change the engine in the 75 because I used slick 50 in it. Lost half my power and wouldn’t stay running. Several oil changes later, it was the same. Tried lots of things...
  9. MH81

    3HP briggs problem.

    I know you said Briggs, but timing could be off. Some Tecumseh engines had an offset key AlsoSears have sold several models.of engine with the cam timing mis-marked to make people take them back to Sears for service. As for spark timing, does it have points?
  10. MH81

    Mr Roper Rides again

    Used it.on and off all day, cleaning up the area where Ryan had his forge.. This was the last thing I'm using it for today. It's a big beech butt log that we had been using as a table Probably 4' long, but the ants for Into it.
  11. MH81

    The big haul of the week

    Nice haul. Very varied pick. Someone's barn or a collector?
  12. MH81

    New to me Hydro-Trac

    No, older repaint. Seems to be done well enough. Gotta find a muffler
  13. MH81

    What did you do with your tractor today?

    I didn't get a chance to do still shots, but I did take a short video (See my new to me Hydro-trac thread) and used it to roll the sweet corn patch.
  14. MH81

    New to me Hydro-Trac

    I picked up a 69 Hydro Trac today. Member Farmerall from 'over there' contacted me and said I needed to own it. He even delivered it to me. No one tried to talk while I was running it .. but I imagine the conversation would go like this: What's that? I can't hear you! You want a shot of...
  15. MH81

    Made a score today! JD 54/56 Blade

    Awesome catch Kenny Looks like it'll work out fine
  16. MH81

    What do you do with squash?

    Just wash, slice, egg dip and bread. Then fry. If you like black pepper, this is one of those dishes you can pep up without overwhelming. As for taste... Kinda like Fried Green Tomatoes but without the tomato flavor.
  17. MH81

    What do you do with squash?

    BTW, the fall ones have a much harder skin. These are a.thick skin zucchini.
  18. MH81

    What do you do with squash?

    What @olcowhand said. You can sub ground up cornflakes for the cornbread for a different taste Either way, I like mine with fresh ground pepper in the breading and bacon on the side. I had them one time with vanilla in the dip. That was good too.
  19. MH81

    Tecumseh 3.8 hp help

    It's hard to check things while pulling your butt off. Can you get someone to roll it over while you check compression and air isnt back and forth-ing on the carb because.of a stuck inlet or exhaust valve?
  20. MH81

    What did you do with your tractor today?

    Pit the tiller on the Super12 and tilled the gardens. Nice time.