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  1. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    I hear your wind meters up there are a hanging ship's anchor chain, and it's not considered windy till it's at least at a 45 degree angle!
  2. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    Yes, and the wind hits us worse tomorrow with gusts up to 34mph!
  3. olcowhand

    Long time no post

    Good to hear from you Brian. Please check in more often.
  4. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    There's a garden tractor/mower salvage up in PA that pretty much only deals in JD stuff. He drives far and wide hauling tons of JD stuff at a time on what I'd guess is a 30' gooseneck trailer....could have been him!
  5. olcowhand


    No worries at all Roger! And in my area those traveling tool sales were Cummins.
  6. olcowhand


    I think you meant that to Doug.
  7. olcowhand


    I have a similar 6" cross vice in my industrial drill press. It has a big variable speed system and that belt won't slip if something hangs up. Didn't hardly attempt using without a vice on it's table as holding item to be drilled by hand it could rip my arm off!
  8. olcowhand

    Other Keck plow day

    Sorry Chuck! No rain dates?
  9. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    Our tv package plus internet is stupidly expensive right at $200! It wouldn't be so bad IF one could find shows worth watching! I usually watch Mash reruns almost every night, but that's about it for a good show.
  10. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    Looking at the pics of the slot cars ..... I can actually still smell them!
  11. olcowhand

    New HF paint gun

    Acrylic enamel with wet look hardener is what I always use. I painted base coat/clear coat on my son's truck years ago and it came out nice, but I love single stage acrylic much better.
  12. olcowhand

    Fuel oil pump

    Then I'd just add a single quart of ATF to rest of tank. The ATF won't hurt your tractors system and will burn fine in the furnace and still provide some lube for your pump.
  13. olcowhand

    Fuel oil pump

    They will pump diesel, but diesel doesn't have much at all of lube properties to protect your hydraulic pump. Add 2 or 3 quarts of ATF to the fuel, then the pump will get lubed, PLUS the added ATF is better for your injection pumps. I add at least one quart for every hundred gallons of diesel...
  14. olcowhand

    Wheel Spacers

    Roger, are your rear tires fluid filled? I have enough methanol to blend with water to fill my BX rear tires and really need to get that done. Should really help with side or frontal tipping. But when using loader I either have the backhoe on, or my quick attach nearly 700 pound counter...
  15. olcowhand

    Wheel Spacers

    I put 2" aluminum spacers on my BX25D Kubota and it really helped with side tipping. Kinda wish I went 3", but didn't want to stress the axles. 2" has worked well for almost 8 years now.
  16. olcowhand

    My Free Stihl Weed Whacker

    I quit working on any little 2 cycle as they are mostly just time killers and money pits. Not saying that to deter you from fixing it, as you learn by doing. But these new cordless electric units are amazing and mostly trouble free.
  17. olcowhand

    And more junk.

    In the late 60's I had a large track, I think was 1/24 scale. The cars were possibly up to 8" long, but soon after the HO scale came out and was near impossible to find parts for my cars, so I bought an HO set. After having the large scale set, I just never liked the HO nearly as much...
  18. olcowhand

    HVLP Paint Sprayers

    Oh, and I have an expensive nice Devilbis gun that I don't use now, as these HF guns spray the paint much better!
  19. olcowhand

    HVLP Paint Sprayers

    I have 5 or 6 of that same gun. Always clean as it just takes one $3 can of carb spray to clean. I bought so many so I could just toss them, but these guns paint so nice that I have to save them!
  20. olcowhand

    Winter cover crop for garden?

    I have many times, but not worth the cost being I no longer grow a wheat crop to get the seed from. Much better if you could find composted manure to till it in at Fall, then let sit idle for winter. But if it has for sure went through composting cycle, then you could till in just before...