This HIP loan better work like the bankers say it will! I've dug myself a pretty big hole if not---LOL!

Water line is dug in from the meter pit to the house. The old gent that owns the ditching company is 84 and was still using a shovel and a rake. His son runs the equipment and they had one laborer. Started at 7am, done by 1pm. Rain started about 20 minutes after they left. The plumber will be here Friday to do the house hookup, and the water co-op will be here to get it going while the plumber is here doing the under house connection and heat tape.
I lived in a little fantasy land for awhile, but today it was time to dismantle the slot car track and get the shop "winterized". Will take the '55 off the lift and put some tractors on it. Hoping that with the help of the bridge crane (thanks CJet) that I will be able to turn them sideways, possibly putting 4 on it instead of two. A couple will be bagged outside too. The MF8E has to stay on the floor for it's annual winter duties. Will try to put the MF12G, MF1450, MTD 660 and the JD110 all on the lift sideways. Should just see if I can get a couple hundred bucks out of the JD110 since it hasn't been used since last fall. I need some space in the shed it is sitting in. When the lift is back up will bring in the '55 and try to do some work on it this winter. Hopefully will get that plan going on Thursday. Got some running in town to do tomorrow.

Water line is dug in from the meter pit to the house. The old gent that owns the ditching company is 84 and was still using a shovel and a rake. His son runs the equipment and they had one laborer. Started at 7am, done by 1pm. Rain started about 20 minutes after they left. The plumber will be here Friday to do the house hookup, and the water co-op will be here to get it going while the plumber is here doing the under house connection and heat tape.
I lived in a little fantasy land for awhile, but today it was time to dismantle the slot car track and get the shop "winterized". Will take the '55 off the lift and put some tractors on it. Hoping that with the help of the bridge crane (thanks CJet) that I will be able to turn them sideways, possibly putting 4 on it instead of two. A couple will be bagged outside too. The MF8E has to stay on the floor for it's annual winter duties. Will try to put the MF12G, MF1450, MTD 660 and the JD110 all on the lift sideways. Should just see if I can get a couple hundred bucks out of the JD110 since it hasn't been used since last fall. I need some space in the shed it is sitting in. When the lift is back up will bring in the '55 and try to do some work on it this winter. Hopefully will get that plan going on Thursday. Got some running in town to do tomorrow.