
The only time I wear shorts and flip flops in public is when we go to the beach on vacation. I will wear nice sweat pants out in about if I am just going to a random store or a quick trip. My grandfather told me a long time again that boys wear shorts and men wear pants. It stuck with me and I feel funny in shorts as an adult.

Any other time no matter how hot it is I have on jeans and tennis shoes or 6" lightweight boots.

I wear gym shorts to lounge around the house in the evening. But I won't go off my property wearing them.
Wasn't in public (well YT Public) Shoes when needed, I prefer comfort. PS I am wearing long pants and shoes right now, It's cold and snowey.
Pants and Shoes in public, Shorts occasionally when over 100*
Never could figure how people thought it was cooler having the sun beat down on bare skin on the legs. Fashion ? ? Now fashion seems to be white sole or all white sneakers with a 3 piece suit & tie. Even an old country boo has more since than that.