Way back in January, I made another mount for the back part of the frame as I could feel some flex when I applied down pressure. I had tack welded this in an now need to take the rea mount of to finish welding it and do some paint touch up.
So yesterday I finally got Alice out and drove her around some. She welcomed the ride by firing right up. Hadn't ran her much so far this summer.
Here is where the welding will be done. Can't do it without removing the mount which means taking the whole rear end back out.
I got started with the tear down yesterday. I have a few other things I am looking at doing while I am this far into her, all improvements to her operational ease.
I am contemplating changing the lift cylinder to a Ford unit with 1/2" more stroke for the 3-point. If I do that, it will be before I take the tractor all apart. Another thing is adding 1" spacers to the fender mounts. This will give me more room for hydraulic hoses off the second spool of the valve. Stay tuned, this all may take a bit.
So yesterday I finally got Alice out and drove her around some. She welcomed the ride by firing right up. Hadn't ran her much so far this summer.
Here is where the welding will be done. Can't do it without removing the mount which means taking the whole rear end back out.
I got started with the tear down yesterday. I have a few other things I am looking at doing while I am this far into her, all improvements to her operational ease.
I am contemplating changing the lift cylinder to a Ford unit with 1/2" more stroke for the 3-point. If I do that, it will be before I take the tractor all apart. Another thing is adding 1" spacers to the fender mounts. This will give me more room for hydraulic hoses off the second spool of the valve. Stay tuned, this all may take a bit.