Bought an Economy Tractor thinking its Country Squire


Senior Member
We are off house arrest here in MN so I took off and met a good fellow half way between my home and his and picked up a Roundy. The data tag is missing but I'm thinking (guessing) that it could be 1957 58 59 Country Squire, it now in the shop getting to know its new friends Old 49 and 50, The seller said he was told it hadn't run in a number of years so that's always a bit what if, grabbed the front CS and it turned looked in the gas tank it was clean and the gas smelled fresh so I connected a set of jumper cable up and it cranked over but no fire checked for spark with the inline tester no spark removed the points cover gave them a shot of carb cleaner cranked it had spark and a pop then no spark another shot of carb cleaner and had good spark and it started had to use choke to keep it running so will remove the carb and clean it YES there is a big smile on my face

Congratulations! That looks like an awesome tractor!

Seeing it reminded me of a deceased friend from outside of Kingston, NY...... This pic is from late 60's, maybe early 70's..... is it a similar tractor?


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I don't know how these tractors find you but it's nice to see them going to good hands. Hope you get a lot of enjoyment out of it.
Congratulations! That looks like an awesome tractor!

Seeing it reminded me of a deceased friend from outside of Kingston, NY...... This pic is from late 60's, maybe early 70's..... is it a similar tractor?
Yes some where in the 50's has a Wisconsin AENL engine I see he is mowing with what EPCO called a tow mower they built and sold
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I don't know how these tractors find you but it's nice to see them going to good hands. Hope you get a lot of enjoyment out of it.
Thanks Chris funny thing is at first I really didn't care much for the early models and I was really hoping this was a 60's model that way with the 49 50 73 76 84 models I could quite looking but I guess it not to be :(
That's a neat tractor Gary. I like the rear tires. Are the wheel weights off a Farmall ? And what hp would it be.

None of those in these parts I have seen! Nice score!
That's a neat tractor Gary. I like the rear tires. Are the wheel weights off a Farmall ? And what hp would it be.

Hi Noel the wheel wt are OEM Economy not that easy to find so that was a big plus when buying, it 10 hp its a replacement engine OEM would have been 8.5 hp original engine was a B&S model 23 this is a B&S 24xxx
Wouldn't the earlier economy kings be a Jim Dandy?
No the Jim Dandys were a smaller tractor first ones had a channel frame I'm not up on the JD's thinking mid 50's the Country Squires were a catalog sales tractor factory direct from about 51 to 62 was another company but I think it was in reality just a division of EPCO to sell direct and not go against their dealers??
Well today the B&S was a bit ornery would not start checked no spark, tried to file the points in place but not luck removed them filed them checke4d them over test and were working so reinstalled them set the gap and Iit had spark again started up and ran good. So I drained the engine oil boy was that so black gunky looking stuff flushed it with diesel fuel and serviced the engine with 30 wt detergent oil, drained the transmission it looked like it had 30 wt oil in it flushed it with diesel and serviced it with 8 oz of a 50/50 mix of STP and 80/90 wt gearlube
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Yes some where in the 50's has a Wisconsin AENL engine I see he is mowing with what EPCO called a tow mower they built and sold
He was a very nice guy. He was a German infantry soldier in WWII, was injured somehow. Eventually, he and his wife, Rose, came to the US. I sure wish he was still around to talk to! He and his wife owned and operated a place called Lazy Meadows on the Esopus Creek between Phoenicia and Boiceville, NY. It was a great place to spend time as a kid. I can still smell that grass he was cutting!
I have a CS also.
Neat little tractors.

Hand brakes aren't for the two handed tho.

Just picked up a second plow for her. First one was 1st Gen and no adjustments on the plow
I have a CS also.
Neat little tractors.

Hand brakes aren't for the two handed tho.

Just picked up a second plow for her. First one was 1st Gen and no adjustments on the plow
Yep the hand brakes are not the handiest, I have an early plow also with the square weld beam yep very limited adjustments, but I have plowed with it.
Can you post some pictures of the CS thanks
I was going to do some mowing today actually 2+ hrs but it was raining so I went into the shop and worked on the CS drained the differential and both final drives the left FD only had about a 1/2 cup in it good reason to check all these GB's when getting a new project anyway got everything serviced, then removed the flywheel shroud cause mice just love to use that area to make a home much to my happiness there was nothing there so I repaired a missing nut plate by installing a riv-nut reinstalled the shroud had to see if the points would work today and they did engine started right up and runs nice. Now its to decide if I should leave it in its work clothes or if I should strip it down and paint
Worked on the CS replaced the throttle and cable assembly with a new one, then started on the hood and wiring, cleaned up the starter/gen cut out in the rear of the hood and using a die grinder ground off some rough spots in the hole that has been cut in the top of the hood. A reinforcing strap has been welded to the front bottom of the hood and is a pretty good job but it was about a 1/4" narrow making it miserable to install and take off so I used the porta-power to spread it and now it go on and off with ease. Next I removed the switch's and old wiring replaced the switch that was used for ignition with a key type mag switch, cleaned up the push button starter switch, checked tha Ammeter and it works but I'm going to replace it its hard to see and its a 60 amp version and these generators are only about 10 or so Amps so needle deflection is so little its hard to see, relocated the VR from the back of the hood back to being mounted on the generator then wired things tractor only has 5 wires one from mag switch to the magneto 3 wires on the VR to generator and ammeter and a cable from the start switch to the starter/gen, got the hood installed temp and started the engine so far everything is good checked the ammeter looks like it is indicating a charge got the voltmeter out and checked and YES 13.65 volts so things are going good