A neighbor stopped by today and said he had picked up a tractor. I told him I thought i had seen him go by pulling a Case.

He ask if I could identify it for him. Every thing I have found says the serial# should be on the dash.

I see a couple holes where something used to be.
The block

The "repair"

Rear view

I have a few questions. Is what he has the Continental or the Case engine? I understand that depending on year both were used.
Is there a way other than the apparently missing serial # tag to determine the year.
Is this in fact a VA.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

He ask if I could identify it for him. Every thing I have found says the serial# should be on the dash.

I see a couple holes where something used to be.
The block

The "repair"

Rear view

I have a few questions. Is what he has the Continental or the Case engine? I understand that depending on year both were used.
Is there a way other than the apparently missing serial # tag to determine the year.
Is this in fact a VA.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks