Hay equipment and Haying 2024

Its a 1969 Olds Delta 88. Had a 455 in it. Me and 3 other friends bought it for $50 bucks back in the mid to late 1980's, $12.50 a piece. It was a beater and we took it to the local gravel pit and had a bunch of fun. Engine is gone so its just scrap now.
Cool! Sounds like you guys had a blast, CJet! It would still have some sentimental meaning to me---LOL! I always liked the full size cars.


BTW. If I were Doug's neighbors I'd be keeping my shades shut..He don't miss much... ;)

Don't worry, Bill, if it isn't rusty junk, I'm not interested---LOL!

Raked, baled, and hauled to the barn. Got 111 bales on just shy of one acre. Nothin' better than an empty field


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Nice, CJet! Glad the weather cooperated for you! How many cuts to you expect this season if all goes right?

We only get 1 cutting a year on our fields. We pasture everything once the hay is off. As things dry out and the grass stops growing we need all of the pasture we can get. Often we have to supplement the pasture with hay in late summer but with the herd cut down now hopefully we won't need to feed out much until winter hits.
We only get 1 cutting a year on our fields. We pasture everything once the hay is off. As things dry out and the grass stops growing we need all of the pasture we can get. Often we have to supplement the pasture with hay in late summer but with the herd cut down now hopefully we won't need to feed out much until winter hits.
Accomplished this job for the year then! It worked out well for you.

cjet, want some on our heat? Parts run, bank sign had 98° on it about 2 this afternoon. 15 mph wind out of the SSE with gusts up to 20. Neighbor should get the last field (I think) done to day. Has had to spry water on the windrow ahead of the chopper. in the afternoons.
cjet, want some on our heat? Parts run, bank sign had 98° on it about 2 this afternoon. 15 mph wind out of the SSE with gusts up to 20. Neighbor should get the last field (I think) done to day. Has had to spry water on the windrow ahead of the chopper. in the afternoons.
I could use some of the heat but I don't want all of it. It did warm up to the upper 60's by around 11:30 am with some breeze so I rake it. It sat till about 1:00 pm when I started baling. Got 86 small square bales. This field was mostly very light grass and weeds with a couple areas of some heavy grass. I mainly did this field to help out my cousin who needed this field for parking for his wife's class reunion in a couple weeks.
I could use some of the heat but I don't want all of it. It did warm up to the upper 60's by around 11:30 am with some breeze so I rake it. It sat till about 1:00 pm when I started baling. Got 86 small square bales. This field was mostly very light grass and weeds with a couple areas of some heavy grass. I mainly did this field to help out my cousin who needed this field for parking for his wife's class reunion in a couple weeks.
I'm taking it Washington isn't known for its hay making ?
Seems its always raining and on nice days its cloudy. :D
This is just a typical year where we get these showers rolling thru with 2 to 5 days of nice weather in between. Usually after the 4th of July things dry out and get warmer. Our ground stays wetter than the big Dairy farms in the Eastern county. They have well drained sandy soil and make the big marshmallow bales in the early season, then apply tons of manure, irrigate, and make regular round or small squares bales. They get 4-5 cuttings a year and sometimes more. We don't have the fertilizer or water to irrigate so we are limited to one cutting a season. If we didn't have cows that need pasture we could possibly get a late season second cut but might not be worth the time and fuel to do it.
In a good year here 3 cuttings is fairly common. Depends on what is grown for hay. Alfalfa is the most sought after for its high protein value. Usually grown with a grass like brougham or timothy. In our clay soil it is hard to maintain a good stand of alfalfa without fertilizing between cuttings and getting the rains when needed. Usually like to cut alfalfa when it just starts to bloom which is around Memorial day, July 4th and Labor day. Neighbor used to make all his hay in the big1500-1800 lb bales then grind most of it mixed with corn silege. This year he chopped all the hay. Much cheaper that way as only windrow it and then goes through the chopper and into the pit.
I didn't get any pics in the last field but got a shot of the hay in the barn. 3 rows of 65 so far. Had 8 more bales form the pasture mowing earlier but I am feeding that to the herd 1/2 a bale at a time. Also took a pic of the next front coming in that is supposed to give us rain showers for a couple days. Might be waiting til around the 4th of July to start mowing again.


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Your bale conveyer looks just like shingle ladders we used to use to stock a house roof with bundles back in the 70's. Hooked a small gas engine to it for power. My boss back then hated hauling them up a ladder on our shoulders just as bad as we did so he bought one.

Time for a break anyway, CJet. Get the rain and start haying again!

Your bale conveyer looks just like shingle ladders we used to use to stock a house roof with bundles back in the 70's. Hooked a small gas engine to it for power. My boss back then hated hauling them up a ladder on our shoulders just as bad as we did so he bought one.

Time for a break anyway, CJet. Get the rain and start haying again!

Had showers today but not bad. More tomorrow and then its up in the air whether we get some early next week or not. Hope it breaks so I can get this done.

I'm a one man show for the hay this year. Dads(95) back is really bothering him again this year and at his age he should just sit back and relax. My brothers grandson wants to help, he is 12, but I prefer to have someone else watch him because I will be busy. He does pull the handle to run the bale unloading at the barn and I am right there stacking if we have a problem.
Mowed 2 fields today. They were a little light on hay due to no fertilizer and could use the weeds sprayed. Should dry fairly fast.


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