My '74 JD 112

A question to the JD folks. Is this a collectible or just a run of the mill JD? I am thinking about repainting it, but not in JD colors. Found a paint chart and the School Bus Yellow (upper right) looks good to me! Something different!
Paint color scan.jpg

What do you folks think?
That depends, are you planning on keeping it, or selling it? The most looked for tractors in the JD world are 110 and 112 round fenders, especially with the hydraulic lift option. Next are the diesel tractors. Then you have the 318 and 420, they get snatched up pretty well if they are in good shape and the price is right. Ultimately it's your tractor, keep it original or paint it whatever color you like. That school bus yellow will definitely make it stand out though.
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A part of me says paint it, but it might be best to go back original color. Think I'll leave it as is for now, at least until the show in Oct. to see what the JD guys there think of it. Might end up selling it.
Your tractor, your color. Left my 74-112 in Mother Deere’s in the ritualistic green and yellow. I always thought the construction yellow was a cool look though. If your gonna sell it though the repaint may make it a tougher sale.
I was having an issue with the lift switch. It would work going up but not down. So I ordered a new one. Same issue with it. WTF! Got to looking at the wire connectors and saw where the 'factory' heat shrink was down on the connector to far. Trimmed that back and I'm back in business.

I've been trying to get a little shine back into the paint. Got some polishing compound and it just wasn't doing it. Picked a bottle of rubbing compound and that makes a big difference. On the RH side of the fender pan I used the rubbing compound. LH is polishing compound. Not sure if the pic shows it, but the RH has a bunch more shine in it.

Picked a spot in the middle of the hood to see what it would do there.

Looks like I need to bathe this thing real good and get after it.

Hey Daniel, remember that Brinly blade I bought from you? The 112 has claimed it!

I like the electric lift on this tractor. And the 4 FWD gears with variable speed does well!
I got after the rest of the hood! Did the rubbing compound all over it. That looked much better. I tried to get pics that show a difference.

I let it set a bit and wiped it down again. Then I got out the Carnuba wax! Gave it a good coat. Got some shine now in the old patina!

It'll be a bit before I get into the rest of this thing! Many things waiting for me to get done. Plus cooler weather will make it more enjoyable.
Looking good Kenny! My uncle and I have a herd of older JDs, he likes to get the rubbing compound out and give them a good going over.
Nice job of polishing it up and still leaving it's history there for the imagination. Since it felt like 131F I'd say you are the man, Kenny! Aint no way i'd be outside rubbing on a tractor in that heat!

I have a 110 here but the wife has probably used it more than I have, she pulls her garden cart around with it. Nice little tractor but that variator system is a bit overcomplicated IMO... too many difficult to change belts. I have a tiller for it but Ive never mounted it.... more belts. Typical JD flimsy hood. I do like the Peerless 2300 with splined rear hubs and the 1" front axles, and they are nice looking tractors... I wouldnt change the color on it....

btw I think grnspots industrial yellow machine was a rf 70... dont think he still has it but it was a sharp looking tractor