I got this free Stihl FS-36 weed whacker about 3 weeks ago at night on the side of the road not far from my house coming home from work. I was driving and looking around checking my surroundings and all of a sudden I see something on the side of the road with a big white sign so I turned around and sure enough there this was, and being as stupid as I am not already having enough projects I took it. It has been sitting in the back of my truck since I got it so I got it out a few nights ago and got some pictures for everyone, I'm not sure what it would need besides a whacker head and string because I have not even looked it over yet. Although I still have my 6hp 855 Craftsman tractor to work on also this will most likely be a winter project, then sell it next spring but that is if I have a heater in my shed and have the ambition to go out in the freezing cold. See IHCubCadet ain't the only one who can get free stuff, lol.