Hello all,
New guy here. Just picked up a running SS 12 with two spare engines, plow, wheel weights, and chains. Can't tell you the year because the model number on the shifter plate is worn and the engine was replaced in1979. Been working on restoring it a bit to use for plowing snow, been an interesting project, which brought me here.
I have a Craftsman DGS 6500 with a plow, but I just don't trust it or myself enough not to tear up the transaxle in it, I wanted something with real gears.
A bit about myself...
I'm a maintenance mechanic for large machinery made prior to 1950 by trade. I'm a regular at the hit and miss engine show at Coolsprings, PA(looking for a good Maytag or 3-5 hp hit and miss). I'm also a regular at the shooting range, I handload my own ammunition.
In the short time I've lurked around here, I think I'm going to like it.