Other NO Ball Hollow Spring Plow Day This Year


Daniel In KY
Staff member
Event Date
Feb 22, 2024
Had to put a date to post, so put yesterday down
I hate having to announce this, but I won't be able to get my disc repaired in time to smooth the fields as I am covered up with repair work. Not just due to the amount of repairs, but also due to not feeling good these days. My COPD has gotten worse, and can't get hardly any work accomplished in mornings. I gotta kick my smoking in the head or I'll end up on oxygen and have a poor life and an early demise.
My leasees don't even have a disc being they do all no-till and nobody else close has a large enough disc either.
I know I can get the disc fixed by next year, so I will do all I can to host a spring plow day 2025. Again I am sorry to announce this, but I must.
I only smoked for 16 years but it wasn't hard to quit. Carla has gotten her medical card so she smokes that now. If KY has medical marijuana it would help you and peobly help getting rid of cigarettes. We can now grow a dozed plants here whenever the OH congress gets off their a$$es get things set up to let the people do it.
Quitting smoking was tough. I smoked for 10ish years. It was hard to quit but the one of the best things I ever did.

I know it’s not a lot better but the little e cigs can be bought with a lot less nicotine and help you step down your intake. Or the gum or patches help
E-ciggs (and I've tried many brands) burn my lungs instantly, so not an option. I've cut my daily cigs in half, but in the next few days I plan to quit completely. It's not gonna be pretty, but I have to do it. If I was 80 years old I'd just keep smoking, but the writing is on the wall very clearly. I'm still useful and needed, so I have to stop!
Best of luck Daniel and I mean that. I started smoking when I was 18 and quit 18 years later. My wife quit a year later and still acquired permanent heart vein damage. I have one Daughter who still smokes a lot and it just makes me sick to think I may have been at fault. Young children become subconsciously attached to the smell. Not unusual for them to smoke later in life. One of the things I wish I could take back.
When Kenney quit he posted regular updates here. Maybe that would help you.
Best of luck Daniel and I mean that. I started smoking when I was 18 and quit 18 years later. My wife quit a year later and still acquired permanent heart vein damage. I have one Daughter who still smokes a lot and it just makes me sick to think I may have been at fault. Young children become subconsciously attached to the smell. Not unusual for them to smoke later in life. One of the things I wish I could take back.
When Kenney quit he posted regular updates here. Maybe that would help you.
I think Bill was posting his quitting smoking reports on there too.

I started smoking to be "cool"---LOL! Mom was a heavy smoker and did develop lung cancer at 79. She went cold turkey, radiation stopped the cancer and she lived 6 more years before osteoporosis made her hip crumble. I still have her purse and she kept a pack of Dorals in it "just in case" she needed it---LOL!

I kind of bounced around. Kools, Salems, Marlboro, Viceroy, and whatever was available. I really enjoyed a pipe and cigars. Especially Crooks and Swisher Sweets. Just the thought of a Swisher Sweet makes my mouth water. Thinking it's time to change the subject.
I think Bill was posting his quitting smoking reports on there too.

I started smoking to be "cool"---LOL! Mom was a heavy smoker and did develop lung cancer at 79. She went cold turkey, radiation stopped the cancer and she lived 6 more years before osteoporosis made her hip crumble. I still have her purse and she kept a pack of Dorals in it "just in case" she needed it---LOL!

Well Bill didn't do so good.
Yea I know Kenny and I quit about the same time and had some chats back and forth about it.
Freaking Sucks.
Sorry to hear that Bill. Has to be disappointing. Doesn't cost anything to try again. Took me 3 times before I beat it.
I still find it hard to believe how far smoking drug me down and how much better I felt after quitting. And another thing I could never figure out is smoking tastes bad when your sick right? Why didn't or don't we quit then? I can remember almost having to force myself to smoke when I was sick and yet I didn't quit. How stupid could I be????????
Hate to hear thar you had to cancel this, this is my rare getaway from the family :D

If you would decide to change your mind, you know myself and an Indiana friend would be willing to spend a weekend helping with repairs and prep.
I was planning to make the same offer! We might just be able to get the disk fixed, or even more thoroughly messed up!
Since posting this thread things have gotten even more complicated and not something I can post about for now. And yes, Teresa and I are fine and I'm not dying or anything like that. So for now the best I can do is plan for next year.
Since posting this thread things have gotten even more complicated and not something I can post about for now. And yes, Teresa and I are fine and I'm not dying or anything like that. So for now the best I can do is plan for next year.
We all understand, Daniel, you gotta take care of yourself and family first! Let us know if you need help, there's a bunch of us here that will respond, plow day or not, my friend.