Owners Manual Conflicting Information

NO manual there for the Satoh Beaver S370D; operators, service or parts manual.

OK, I tossed them here. I'll get with BubbaGoat to get them over there. Usually the 30 to 40 Mitsubishi manuals are EZ-PZ to find there.

I was once a moderator at the Mitsubishi-Satoh Yahoo Groups site and help kept the manuals fresh in the files section. :)


I found them - didn't catch the pages numbers.. My mistake. Did not see the S370D parts manual though.
I found them - didn't catch the pages numbers.. My mistake. Did not see the S370D parts manual though.

Yeah, there are plenty of pages over there. It's like a mini goldmine of manuals.

It's really hard to find parts manuals for the Satoh line.