Sons, Ford 1210 blowing snow.

Well we are now in a Blizzard and freezing rain warning. Could get up to 4" of snow and a 1/4" of ice with 50 mph. winds.
Anyone want to guess what the forecast will be tomorrow morning?
So far it is a "winter storm warning" here. Up to 8" though, Chris. It's going to cover up my beautiful brown dead grass again, dang it!

There still saying 4-6 inches of snow for us here with wind next Tuesday I have my annual VA appointment and I just took a peek at what the weather is suppose to be and this has to be practical joke there say 10 to 12 inches of snow on 4/4/23
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Our daughter in Aberdeen, SD said it is thundersnowing there. Aberdeen is about a hundred miles northwest of Chris' area. That is a sign of a lot of snow!

Our April fools joke is 12" plus starting Monday for a couple days. High wind along with it.

March came in like a lion and is going out like a couple of them.

I-90 was closed west of the Missouri River again.

Well it was a fizzle again. Very little ice or snow and the winds didn't happen either. Bright sunny day today.
Your tax dollars at work!
And Aberdeen got near a foot. There were power outages there, and the roof collapsed on a building, Chris! Must not have missed your area by much!

We have temporary mud and standing water already. Going to get frozen again on Monday.
