Sons, Ford 1210 blowing snow.

Little update on the ford 1210 tractor. Tractor was use some for blowing snow and lately for hauling trailer loads of wood. It’s not used a lot but I’d say every third day it’s started and used for something. My point is I guess that we filled it with diesel around mid February, so today I was thinking I should check it. Don’t need the hassle of it running out. So today I but fuel in it. Still had about 1/8 of a tank. Filled it up past the 1/2 mark. That should keep her going till first of July.
Nice little tractor.

Welcome to the world of thrifty diesels.
I know when we switched the equipment around here to diesel it made a huge difference in the number of trips I had to make to town for fuel.
Will say that the newer gas engines do seem to use quite a bit less gas then the older stuff.