Thinking about building a set of half tracks for the PK


Hi all, I'm thinking of a new project that being a set of half tracks on one of the Power King tractors, would use a set of old snowmobile tracks my friend has a couple of 121's he'd let me try, for the boggy wheels I'm thinking a set of front turf wheels and tires from a lawn tractor, the tracks would go forward from the rear tires vs going to the rear, the thing I'm trying work out is how to attach the boggy wheel assembly should I go with a ridged forward axle and a center arm under the tractor with a system to put tension on the tracks and them springs on the axle to keep the boggy wheels down or would individual support arms be better? What do you all think?? Here's a Bombardier manual showing their system


Sounds like I need to lurk through this! Been wanting a set of tracks, but no snowmobiles down here!
You will be surprised how much you can pull. My uncle has a set on a Ferguson 40 and it’s amazing.
He has the Arps design with the bogey wheels in front of the rear tires just like that PDF.

They also made a set with the bogeys behind and I think that would work well for most GT’s. The PK is more open and probably better suited to make a version life on the Ferguson’s.
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I can get 2 old snow mobiles, been thinking of doing a tracked Sears suburban. I'm not sure I would want it hanging out back though, you lose the 3 pt usability.

Norman from I Save Tractors youtube channel made a set for a JD GT that hangs on the back.
Hi TAHOE, I've seen pictures & videos of that set up its simpler to build but there has to be a lot of drag when turning and I'm not interested in that system
Hi all, well we got another inch or more snow so had the tractors out and cleaned that up, then looked around the shop I knew I had a set of helper spring shocks found them and this is what I'll use think it should work good


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Very nice job. I'm wondering if you might need a brace to keep the arm from flexing left and right when you're turning? It would have to be mounted on the same axis as the pivot point of the arm is, maybe under the tractor in the middle so you could use the same mount for both braces. Just thinking out loud. Watching to see what you come up with.

Great build.
Very nice job. I'm wondering if you might need a brace to keep the arm from flexing left and right when you're turning? It would have to be mounted on the same axis as the pivot point of the arm is, maybe under the tractor in the middle so you could use the same mount for both braces. Just thinking out loud. Watching to see what you come up with.

Great build.
Hi Texas, that though has crossed my mind I'm hoping the struts are strong enough to handle it it will be no problem in the snow but if one were in low ground with grass etc it would be different
Hi all, well I worked on some things in the shop this morning, then about 2 PM my friend called and said he found a couple of old snowmobile tracks in the loft of his shop and had them down and I could pick them up and see if they might work so I got them in the shop and just slipped them over the rear wheels turns out they are wider and shorter than I'd like. I can work with the length and will remove the fenders and see it that will work otherwise its to figure out a different track

Can you raise the fenders any? That look is so cool, and I bet it would really go well in swampy ground or fluffy snow.

And I really like the way those shorter tracks look, it would turn easier also.
Can you raise the fenders any? That look is so cool, and I bet it would really go well in swampy ground or fluffy snow.

And I really like the way those shorter tracks look, it would turn easier also.
I was talking with my friend that I got the tracks from and he suggested cutting the track width on the fender side giving the needed clearance I think that may work thinking of cutting them with a saws-all yes the shorter tracks will turn easier and there will be less stress on the boggy wheel struts