Ive probably owned 50+ sets of chains and used them for nearly 40 years, big tractors, little tractors, trucks... back in the 70s I even carried a set in the trunk of my car.... been there, done that.... then one day I spent $40 on a pair of good used ATV tires... its about the cheapest and easiest thing you can do to a GT to get traction on any surface and any season... and I just think any newcomer to this hobby/addiction needs to know there are other options than spending $200+ on a pair of AGs and $100 for chains, and even more $$$ to fill those tires... then get beat at the pulls by some old coot with an ugly old MTD on ATV tires.
Im not saying AGs or chains dont work in many cases.... of course they do... but these days there is another option that is considerably cheaper and works quite well... I know I was fn amazed when I first tried ATVs, I didnt expect them to do half of what they can do... so I understand why some people doubt them.... I did.... but now I give my head a shake and ask 'WTF was I thinkin', of course atv tires will work, Ive climbed mountains in BC with an old quad dragging a 900# moose carcass out.... and my Columbia will go anywhere that Honda could, it just takes longer.