Bought a WC allis once with a stuck valve. Father in-law came over and showed me how to fix it without taking the head off. This one was stuck partially open so the push rod wasn't bent. Pulled the rocker arm shaft and the valve spring. Can be a bugger if the Valve is open. After soaking with penetrating oil tapped the valve stem with a brass hammer till it just started to move. Then hooked a low speed 1/2" drill to the stem and while applying oil to the stem turned on the drill. After the valve spun for a little bit started running the valve up and down for a few minutes. Reassembled things and the tractor and it's owner lived happily ever after.
Don't you just love happy endings.
Does look like you have a couple cylinders running excessive oil.
Don't you just love happy endings.

Does look like you have a couple cylinders running excessive oil.