Got the garden Plowed


Been wanting to plow the garden didn't get it harvested until about 10 day or so ago then it rained 7 tenths so was waiting for it to dry some was going to do it Thursday but it was only 46*F and it didn't feel like a plow day to me same on Friday etc . Well today I looked at the 14 day and its cold cold and colder with most nights below freezing like in the mid 20's that means the ground would be frozen so today was the day 33*F it was wetter than I like and it was cold sitting on the tractor but its done. The actual plowing went pretty good considering the ground was wet and sticky , the front end wts also helped, next its to get the tractor and plow into the shop wash off the dirt that's sticking to the plow and put it away for the winter and get the tractor ready for winter duty
Got two of my gardens tilled today. Cleaned up pumpkin and cucumber vines of another. Used the MF 12 for those jobs.
Used the MF 14 to smooth out the hills in three gardens. Much easier and nicer to till when mostly flat.



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Looks good Noel, I mowed off the peonies the maximilian sun flowers then mulched the leaves it was really cool 31*F and there was snow flurries while I was doing it would have preferred it be warmer and drier but the weather guesser's are saying we are in for a winter storm oh for fun. Its done and soon will get the lawn tractor into the shop remove the deck and install the cab and snowblower
Jumpins. Don’t like winter storms. Ya, I’m sorta late getting things done. But when a fella buys an extra tractor and it’s kinda interesting, it takes up time, fun and enjoyment. And a little aggravation throwin in there, should be getting other things done.

Garden still has the dead stuff standing. Peonies are standing and leaves are piling up. Need to rake the leaves out of the garage again. Have trwo older cats that stay in there, keep the mice down and protection from the dog. What a guy won't put up with to protect their animals.
Got started working the garden a couple of weeks ago and Little Red, the Honda walk beside cultivator decided to chew up the drive belt and I only got the job 3/4 done. Don't know what drive belts are up to, that one was only 20+ years old, lol ! Anyhow, by the time I got a new one installed the ground was frozen and other jobs had taken precedence, so I'll leave things until spring. I always leave the peony and other perennial foliage alone until spring, then trim it back. Up here I feel those plants need all the winter insulation they can get and that foliage helps trap the snow cover. The garlic has been in for about three weeks, maybe a bit longer, and I got it mulched with hen pen straw after the first light over night frosts started. Now I have some corral fence to fix before weaning the calves, and 11 chickens to butcher, and I'm pretty well ready for winter. I hope, :rolleyes:.