Farmall A front wheel trouble

Were the remains of the cotter key in the spindle hole?

I haven't cleaned the spindles up yet. The tractor is sitting on blocks in one of the pastures right now so I left the grease slathered on it while I get the wheels ready to put back on so it wouldn't rust. I'll get the answer when I get ready to put the wheels on. The dust cap is in the shop so if there was a sheared cotter key there should be some small pieces in the grease.
Were the remains of the cotter key in the spindle hole?

While I was feeding the cows I went to look at the spindle to see if there was a sheared cotter pin in it. Sure enough there was. It was hard to find the hole at first since the nut cut threads into the sheared pin. Once located I drove the remnants out with a small punch. At least I know it wasn't running without a cotter pin for the last 16 years.

Like the videos that old "A" fired right up nice, I'm always amazed at the leap forward IH made going from the "F" series to the A B C H & M's
Thanks for posting Cjet