Well, it isn’t going to work how I want it to without adding relays. So I ordered a DPDT momentary polarity reversing toggle switch.
I really need to get it thru my skull to quit trying to reinvent the wheel.
Next up after I finish this up:
I’m going to swap out my light duty axle on my...
After hooking the joystick up to the trickle charger set at 2 amps and playing with the voltmeter, it seems the gold terminals do nothing. No power to any other terminal with the joystick in neutral or toggled either direction.
It seems that I should hook positive to both silver terminals on...
I picked a 2 way joystick to control a linear actuator.
I need to figure out the wiring. No instructions.
It is getting mounted on this:
I need to figure out how to get the boot off to slip thru the hole and get it tightened down. My thumb is on a clamp band, there is a tab above it. The lock...
Got a package today:
A DPDT joystick and a 4” stroke linear actuator for the spout on my snowblower. Inline fuse, waterproof connectors, and brackets should be here later this week. The rubber boots for the actuator should be here early next week. I am going to mount the joystick on a removable...
It arrived today. Waiting on two waterproof three way bullet connectors so I don’t have to splice into the electrical circuit. Also need to make up a mount for that box. I’m thinking the seat belt mounting flange on the right side of the seat.
I need to trim the wires and the mounting flanges...
Headlights only
Headlights and two 18w LED floodlights mounted on the rollbar.
Exactly what I was hoping for. About 30’ out front and about 15’ out each side. I don’t plan on adding a rear facing worklight yet.
I need an enclosure for a 12v power socket and usb outlet/voltage meter I want to install on the Massey.
I wanted waterproof and non-conductive. Matching the faceplate would be a bonus. Enter Dusty, best brother-in-law ever, and his 3D printer.
I’m game for that.
Thursday morning I got to use it for the first time. 4-5 inches on the 23rd, and the temps dropped like a rock overnight. So, perfect conditions.
This morning I loaded up my Bolens G152 and delivered it to it’s new owner.
My trailer is way too small, and the new owner doesn’t have a trailer. I borrowed my neighbor’s 16’ car trailer. Snowblower in the back of the truck. Threw the folks on the loader and set the mower deck on the trailer...
We ended with 5-6”, but the wind was cranked up so some spots bare, some 2’ deep. Only the 2nd time in 12 years we’ve had drifting in the yard. This was by far the worst.
Now the loader needs to go back on, I have some lifting to do that my back stated ‘no thank you’ to.
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