Battery grease gun

My grease and guns are in an unheated shop or machine shed. Makes them hard to pump in the winter if I want to grease the loader before using it for a while. Don't know how the air gun would work. If I was smart I would bring one in the basement the night before but nobody ever accused me of being that.
When I first started the job I retired from, we had some blue grease called Arctic Blue. We would be greasing equipment out in sub zero weather without being able to keep the guns warm. Seemed to work good but management said it was too expensive.

Grease must’ve been worth more than the employees. Sounds like a typical cost cutting move.
The equipment was getting abused because of it too and we told management. They didn't seem to care that we couldn't get grease pumped into vital pieces of equipment. Of course it was us grunts that had to fix things in sub-zero weather after bearings would fail or bushings would seize up. Sure glad I'm out of there!
